Page 120 of Taming Tyler Hayes

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“Yeah? And what’s that?”

“Guess you’ll have to wait and see, Rook.”

And with that, Hayes broke away from Ryan and headed off to the locker room to shower, put on his very favorite suit, and pray to God that this went as planned.

Taming Tyler Hayes (34)

“Alright, seriously. Where the hell are we going?” Ryan asked, as Hayes had been driving for over 40 minutes. The courthouse was only a 10-minute ride from Total Mortgage Arena, but Hayes was so nervous that he’d taken several detours.

“You’ll see.”

Finally, he sucked it up and they arrived at the courthouse parking garage, Hayes pulling in, taking a ticket, and proceeding to park the Raptor. Ryan had let Joss take the rental car since TK hadn’t completed his IDP yet and wasn’t able to drive.

Without a word, Hayes turned off the truck, got out, and bent over with his hands on his knees as soon as he shut the door.

What if he says no?


This is insane.

Ryan came around to the driver’s side just as Hayes was standing back up. “Are you…what’s going on? When you said you had something planned…Hayes, why are we at the courthouse?”

Hayes locked eyes with hisfiancé. “Think, Rook. Why might we be at the courthouse?”

“I, uh…I’m gonna assume it has something to do with your accident, though that wouldn’t make sense because we’re not in New York right now…”

Hayes could see the wheels turning pretty hard.

Suddenly, Ryan stopped talking, slapped a hand over his mouth, and his eyes almost bugged out of his head.

“There you go. You did it, Rook. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go find somewhere to puke because my nerves are completely fuckin’ shot.” He wandered toward the side wall of the parking garage.


Hayes stopped, turning back around to face him. “Ryan.”

“Are you sure?”

Hayes shrugged and raised his right hand, flashing the ring. “Are you?”

Ryan approached him, taking both hands into his. “Of course.”

“I thought I’d surprise you. We’re into doin’ crazy shit now, right? What’s crazier than gettin’ hitched at the courthouse on Valentine’s Day after I just admitted to the world what a complete fuck up I am? They don’t even write books this fuckin’ romantic, Rook.”

Ryan smiled, leaning in to kiss Hayes, then pulling back. “Agreed. But like, isn’t there a process, or waiting period…”

“Not in Connecticut. Already looked into it. Called and made sure it was possible for us to get the license and then go right downstairs and get it done. I wasn’t sure if like, you know, you wanted some big, flashy wedding or somethin’...”

“Yeah. Because we both know I’m real flashy,” Ryan joked, pulling Hayes in for a hug. “It’s just…I don’t know, it’d be nice if, like, my mom and Luke could be here. Or Mar, you know? But hey, we can always celebrate with them later. I…I wanna do this. I wanna marry you. Right now.”

“Then,” he said, breaking away from the hug, grabbing Ryan’s right hand, and pulling him toward the entrance. “Let’s fuckin’ go get married.”

Once inside, they went straight to the office to apply for their marriage license. They completed the application, both deciding to keep their own last names, provided their identification, and answered questions regarding any familial relationship with each other.

“Nope, we’re not related. I mean,” Ryan turned to Hayes and lowered his voice. “Unless you count that time last year in the emergency room when we were brothers.”

“I’m sorry?” the woman said, glaring at Ryan, completely unamused.

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