Page 118 of Taming Tyler Hayes

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TK held onto it, squeezing it and shaking it a few times. “Let’s do this.”


“Thank you all for coming. This press conference has been called at the request of Tyler Hayes and Travis Kadin, both members of the New York Islanders organization. The way it’s going to work is this: they will begin by addressing the press, and during that time we ask that you hold any and all inquiries until the end, at which point they will open the floor for questions. Tyler, Travis. All yours.”

Both Hayes and TK sat at the table in the press room behind the microphones in front of an absolutely packed house. Most of the Bridgeport team and coaching staff was standing in the back of the room along the wall, and Ryan and Joss were seated in the back. Hayes, a look of sheer panic plastered on his face, glanced over at his fiancé, who mouthed, “I’m right here,” with a nod.

That immediately put Hayes at ease. “Thank you, Logan,” he said to the Bridgeport communications manager as he left the stage. He took a deep breath, stole one last look at Ryan, and began. “So, there have been a lot of rumors and misinformation surrounding myself and Travis following our leave from New York in December. We’re, uh, here today to clear some of that up.”

“Tyler, is it true that you…”

“We’re gonna hold all questions to the end, as Logan already stated. Thank you.”

Ryan damn near fell out of his chair, shocked at the poise his fiance was demonstrating. His response was firm, yet respectful, and didn’t include a single f-bomb.

It gave him half a chub.

“So, it was announced that Travis and I were placed on long term injured reserve following our involvement in a car accident, and while there was an accident, the actual purpose of our leave was so that we could enter into the NHLPA Player Assistance Program for substance abuse treatment.”

This statement was followed by an audible gasp and collective murmuring, and Hayes waited for it to die down before continuing.

“Without getting into too much detail, both Travis and I failed to productively deal with our stress, along with some unresolved trauma, and unfortunately, we turned to narcotics and alcohol in an attempt to cope. We both understand that our actions had consequences not only for ourselves, but for our family and friends, our team, and the fans. For that, we are deeply sorry for any hurt we may have caused.” He looked over at Travis, whose eyes were glued to him in awe. “Teek? Did you wanna jump in?”

TK took a deep breath and leaned into the mic. “Yeah, so, you’ve heard the rumors regarding our accident, and I wanna come clean. I was totally at fault for it. I drove while under the influence, and I put my best friend’s life at risk, as well as the lives of other passengers on the road that evening. I was arrested, as I should have been, and charged with DUI. I know there’s been a lot of talk about it, and I wanted you to hear it from me that it’s true. Following my arrest and the Islanders team intervention, I completed a 60-day treatment program, during which and after which I have remained sober.”

A small round of applause broke out.

“Thank you. I have been going to counseling and will continue to, and, like, I wanna use my experience to speak out regarding the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse. This is all so much bigger than me, bigger than hockey, and I just want people out there to know that, like, if you’re struggling, if you feel like it’s all hopeless? There’s help available. You just gotta make the decision to get it.”

He looked at Hayes, whose eyes had been fixed on him and who nodded with approval before taking over. “That’s the main reason we wanted to give a statement today. You know, we’re both young, but we’ve played for a long time and we know for a fact there are other guys in this league strugglin’ with some of the same issues as us. I also completed a 60-day treatment program, through which and after which I have remained sober.”

Another small round of applause broke out, and Hayes glanced at Ryan again, who smiled at him.

“The game is fun, but there’s, uh, a lot that happens that they don’t tell you about, don’t prepare you for, and unfortunately, it can be overwhelming at times. And, like, if you’re feelin’ like you have no way out, or that you need help but maybe you don’t feel strong enough to ask for it, or you’re embarrassed to admit it? Trust me, we feel that. We both have a lot of shame, but at the same time, we’re humble enough to own it, hopin’ that maybe it helps someone else. Both Teek and I are here. Man, we’ll talk to you, we’ll listen, and we’ll help you get whatever you need. You don’t have to do this alone. There’s no shame in admittin’ that you have a problem or gettin’ help, and we just wanted you to hear that. We can take a few questions at this time.”

Immediately, multiple reporters started shouting questions out, causing TK and Hayes to look at each other nervously. Logan jumped back up onto the stage and took the mic in front of Hayes. “We’re going to ask that you…excuse me!” he yelled, getting everyone to quiet down. “We’re going to ask that you do this in an orderly fashion. Dana,” he said, pointing to a woman in the audience, “will come around and take questions. One at a time, please.”

Dana approached the first reporter. “Travis, are the rumors true that you were traded from Nashville for your excessive partying and an inappropriate relationship with a teammate’s wife?”

“I fail to see how that’s relevant to what we’re talkin’ about right now,” Hayes cut in sternly.

“It’s just that…”

“It’s just nothin’. We’re here to answer questions regardin’ our leave from the Isles. Let’s keep the focus on that, eh? Dana, next question.”

She moved on to another reporter, leaving the previous one annoyed and muttering as he took a seat. “Travis and Tyler, there has been speculation about the nature of your relationship with each other. Can you speak to that at all?”

TK jumped right in. “Yeah, I can. Ty is my best friend in the world and the reason I’m alive right now.”

“Right, but some are under the impression that there may have been a little more to your relationship than that…”

“What are you really askin’, lady?”

Ryan brought both hands to his mouth, as Joss, seated right next to him, placed a hand on his thigh.

Shit. Here we go, Ryan thought, hearing the tension rising in his fiancé’s voice.

“I wanted to know if…”

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