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Yeah. Jolie couldn’t believe it, though. “So, what’s this place called?”

“Rawhide Ranch. And it’s in Montana.”

“A ranch? I like cowboy boots, but that doesn’t mean I need to learn to ride horses or hang out with cowboys. Although… cowboys are hot.”

“They sure are.” Addison grinned. “But this isn’t that sort of ranch. Okay, that’s wrong. I’ve seen some pictures and there are definitely horses on it. But… Rawhide Ranch is kind of different. It’s a safe place for Littles and subs to stay.”

“What? Really?” she asked.

“Yes. You can go as a guest or even stay there for longer and attend university.”

“I don’t… I don’t want some strangers topping me,” Jolie said.

“Look, I’m not saying you have to participate in anything. But there are lots of Little activities you can take part in if you want to. Or you can just go and eat and swim and relax.”

“I can do that anywhere.”

“But at Rawhide, you’ll be safe. And if you want to let your Little out, you can without anyone judging you. I have a pamphlet if you want to read it. Like I said, I know someone who actually used to work there, and it changed their life. They met their own Daddy and they are so happy. I want that for you. She said that the owner is very protective of the Littles on the Ranch. Ivy also said he’s a bit of a matchmaker.”

She shot Addie a look. “I’m on tour. I’m not looking for a relationship.”

Again, Brand popped into her head.


No doubt he wasn’t thinking about her. Unless it was to curse her name.

“Please think about it,” Addie implored. “I’m worried about you. As your friend and as your doctor.”

“It’s short notice. They’re probably full.”

“Nope. I’ve already called and reserved you a room,” Addie told her.

“You’re so freaking pushy.”

“And the lovely woman I spoke to sent over some forms for you to fill in. I’ve printed them out for you.” Addison handed them over.

“Awesome.” She leaned back in her chair, gripping the pieces of paper.

“So, you want to go throw darts at Keith’s head?” Addison asked.

“I got rid of all the photos of him.”

“Who said anything about a photo?” Addie said.

Jolie grinned. “I like your thinking.”


God. She was tired.

Jolie wasn’t sure she’d ever felt this shitty in her life. It was as though as soon as she’d stopped moving and tried to relax, her body had decided to punish her by throwing every illness possible at her.

First had been the vomiting bug.

Okay, it had only lasted twenty-four hours, but it had left her feeling awful.

And then she’d been hit by a killer cold. Now, she couldn’t breathe out of her nose. Whenever she swallowed, it felt like she had knives in her throat. And her face was on fire, but she felt like she was freezing to death.

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