Page 14 of The Perfect Gift

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Noodles is my anchor. My strength. He shares the milestones—our daughter’s first open-eyed gaze, her first squeeze of his finger.

One afternoon, between rounds of chemotherapy, Noodles arrives with a surprise—tiny footprints stamped in ink—a testament to our little girl’s fight. I trace them with my finger, their tiny size a reminder of the delicate life we brought into the world.

The first time I’m able to hold her, the experience is surreal. The weight of her tiny body against my chest is both the heaviest and lightest burden I’ve ever borne. As I cradle her, the noise from the monitors fades into the background, giving way to the gentle lullaby of her heartbeat and mine.

Time blurs. Days blend into weeks. Chemotherapy becomes the rhythm of my existence.

Months later, my final round of chemotherapy comes to an end, leaving me weak and tired but also filled with hope. A few weeks later, after more testing, I walk into my oncologist’s office, ready to hear how the battle’s going.

Or, not going.

Doctor Sharp smiles. His voice is imbued with a warmth that seeps into my frayed mind. He gives me the best news possible.

“You’re cancer-free.”

The words reverberate with a joy so potent it’s almost palpable.

Cancer free.


“Close follow-up over the next five years is critical, but we’re optimistic,” Doctor Sharp continues, his professional tone tempered by the twinkle in his eyes. “You’re a fighter.”

I am at that. I’m a fighter.

I let the words sink in, carving them into the core of my being.

With chemotherapy done, it’s time to schedule breast reconstruction, a physical reclaiming of what cancer stole.

A few days later, Dr. Patel gives us good news too.

“Your baby girl will go home by the end of the week.”

The words, so casually spoken, carry the weight of a thousand unspoken prayers. Tabitha, our baby, our tiny warrior who also fought like a girl, will finally leave the NICU and come home.

Tears of joy blur my vision as I look at Noodles. His eyes mirror the depth of my emotions. We survived the unimaginable, weathered the storm, and came out stronger than before.


As a family.

The magnitude of our journey hits me.

In the end, it’s not the storm that defines us. It’s how we navigate our way through it.

No matter what life throws our way, Noodles and I will always find our way together.

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