Page 33 of Keeping Secrets

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Using the mattress for leverage, I jump forward and clamp my arms around his neck. I’m done with this. I don’t care if I kill him now. I’ve got my own wrestling moves. With my right arm under Richard’s chin, I push against my biceps with my left and squeeze his windpipe. He claws at my grip, his feet thrashing. I keep the pressure up even as I hear Fleur call my name. Suddenly, a crowd appears at the doorway. My bio dad, my other dad, some guy in a cop uniform, Fleur, Dunc, and even my mom. Fuck, they’re not going to let me finish him.

The cop muscles his way to the front of the crowd. The bat that was in the dirtbag’s hands rolls to the side. “Looks like you got the kids riled up, Dick.” The cop smirks. “Why don’t you let me tap in?”

Reluctantly, I release my hold. Richard falls to the floor. Holding his throat, he croaks out, “You better arrest this shithead for attempted murder, Ed.”

“Now, Richard, I’ve got an eyewitness who’s telling me that you were trying to kneecap this boy with a baseball bat. Thinking his self-defense claim is going to look pretty good, whereas your attempted assault of a girl is kinda frowned on. Do you want to go with me quietly or do I have to cuff you and make a big scene?”

Richard spits at the cop’s foot. Ed brings his booted heel up and places it on the side of Richard’s head. “Why everyone chooses the hard way, I’ll never know. Cam, you take these two kids home and keep them there. I’ll send over someone to take their statement.”

“We’re prosecuting him to the full extent of the law,” my bio dad says.

“Okay, I’ll get that noted. Now, all of you skedaddle.” Ed keeps Richard’s head pinned to the floor while he shoos us out of the bedroom.

“Are you okay?” Mom runs her hands down my arms.

“I’m good, Mom.” I give her a tight hug and kiss her on her forehead because I know she needs it. I hand her off to my bio dad and give my dad a hug. As soon as I release him, Dunc hauls me into his arms and pounds me on my back.

“Scared about ten years off my life,” he says. He lets me go and turns his head to the side but not before I see a suspicious glimmer of wetness in his eyes. He was really worried about me.

Fleur stands to the side. Her hands are folded in front of her, and her head is down. She’s feeling alone right now and probably hella embarrassed. I leave my family and slide my hand between hers. I pick up the bag at her feet. “Let’s go home.”

“I don’t think I have a home anymore,” she whispers so quietly that even I can barely hear it.

“You do. It’s with me. Always with me, babe. Wherever you go, I’m there. I’m your home, and you’re mine.”




Iknow I should be freaking out, but all I feel is numb. “I’m sorry I pulled your family into this.” I hope they’re not all upset with me. I put Van in danger.

Van pulled me from my apartment, leaving his family behind to clean up my own family’s mess. If you can even call mine a family. I never want to see my mother again. This was one mistake too many now. She has never worried about the men she brought in and out of my life. I’ve always been an afterthought. Sadly, I wouldn’t even be surprised if she stayed with Rich after this.

“Don’t apologize for that, Red, my family is your family.” He slides his fingers between mine, holding my hand. “They’re your family.” He squeezes my hand. “You’re my girl. Going to be my wife and one day the mother of my children, so they are your family too.”

My eyes burn with tears. “I want that.” I peek over at Van when he lets out a long deep breath. I don’t want to fight this anymore. I want to fight for it. Not against it. Van has shown me he will always show up for me time and time again. I’m not going to let my fears push him away. He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me.

“About damn time you came to terms with all of this.”

“I’ve known you for maybe two months, Van.” I laugh.

“Well, I fuckin’ knew two seconds after I spotted your ass you were mine.” He shakes his head. “Think it’s something in the men in our family. When we know, we know.”

“You all do seem rather possessive.” That’s putting it lightly.

“You got no fucking clue.” He pulls into his driveaway. I unbuckle my seat belt as he puts the car into park. I crawl over to straddle him, needing to be as close to him as possible right now.

“Then show me.” I rub myself against him. I don’t want anything between us.

“Red.” He growls, wrapping his arms around me, dropping his forehead to mine. “That fucker was just—” I cut off his words with a kiss. I don’t want to think of anything else right now. I just want to feel.

It’s only a matter of seconds before his mouth takes over, possessing mine in a way that only he can. His hand tightens in my hair, holding me to him. I grind down on his hard cock, trying to relieve the ache that’s formed between my thighs.

“Fuck, you always taste so damn good.”

“I wanna taste more of you.” I begin kissing down his neck. Van shifts, and I realize he’s moving us out of the car. His hands go to my ass. I wrap my legs around him as he carries me inside the house and to his bedroom. He drops me onto the bed before going over to lock his bedroom door, pulling off his clothes at the same time. I scramble to my knees.

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