Page 12 of Keeping Secrets

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The second my phone dings, I smile. I can’t help it. Thankfully, I’m alone in my bedroom so no one can see it. I close my laptop and reach over to grab it. I know who it is before I even look. My screen shows a text from BOYFRIEND in all caps with a heart next to it. Van added a name to his contact when he realized I didn’t have one on it. I rolled my eyes at him, but I secretly liked it and haven’t changed it. That happened days ago.

You’re coming tonight.

I hate how much his bossiness turns me on. There has to be something wrong with my body.

I’m coming?

The second I send the text I want to kick myself. Why the hell am I playing into this? That’s right, because it gets a reaction out of him, and it never disappoints. I’m finding there’s nothing I love more than poking Van lately.

I’m coming over.

OMG! I was joking. You have a game.

The last thing I need is the wrath of our school because the star receiver walked out of a game because of me.

You come to the game or I’m coming over.

I bite my lip. Van has slowly been working his way under my skin. He is persistent, which I can respect and understand. Every morning, he shows up without fail to pick me up. I learned that’s no easy feat with his schedule. He does the same to get me home after school. He even brings breakfast now. It’s the first time in my life that someone is making an effort when it comes to me. It scares me.

I’m working.

It’s not a total lie. I should be working, but my next article for Social Pop is being a pain in my ass. Why? Because it also leads back to Van. Someone found out that I go to school with him. Now, they are all over me to write an article about him. My freelance writing is bleeding into my real life. It’s usually something I do under the radar.

I guess Van is going to be the next big thing. A million colleges are after him. I knew the team and coach lost it when he joined the team, but I had no idea how big he truly is. No wonder every girl in the school wants a piece of him.

Even without football, Van is a determined man. He seems to be able to do it all. It’s impressive. It’s also way too alluring. I’m quickly becoming one of his groupies. I only hide it better than the other girls at school. Really, it’s all his fault. The more he’s around me, the more I fall for his charm. I really do try to resist because I don’t want to get used to having him around. He’s too good to be true. And you know what they say about things being that way. It never lasts.

At every turn, all his actions are to take care of me. With all his efforts to being my fake boyfriend, I think it would be easier to actually get a real girlfriend. Like all things in his life, he excels at being the best bossy boyfriend. Who is also super supportive. He reads anything I write. At least the things he knows of.

The school paper already did an article on him. I sent Clare to do it. She’s on the cheer team, so it made sense. I hated every second of it. At first, he didn’t tell her anything. Then I asked him to and he answered a few of her questions. It was enough so she could write a small article, but he didn’t give her much. I was so annoyed, and I might have also been secretly happy that Clare’s ways didn’t work on him. She’s good at getting information out of people.

Where are you?

On my bed WORKING.

Send me a pic.

I glance down at the shirt I’m wearing. Van gave it to me a few days ago. It’s got his number and name on it. I told him I’d never wear it. Yet I’ve been sleeping in it every night since I got it. No way would I show myself wearing it. He would never let me live it down.

Go catch a football or something.

Sadie is coming to pick you up. Wear the shirt I got you.

Van! The deal was I play your girlfriend and you get me juicy gossip. You’ve given me nothing. I think maybe we should break up.

The last sentence hurts to write. Each time I push Van away, I ache, but when he pushes right back, it’s a rush. I’m not sure what game I’m playing but every time the stakes get higher for me.

She’s on her way.

At the same time I get the text, I hear something out the front door. I jump up from my bed to see. I barely make it to the hallway to see my mom’s boyfriend. She’s at work, so I’m not sure what he’s doing here.

“My mom isn’t here,” I blurt out, wondering how he got in. He gives me the creeps. I know I locked the door. I always do. Richard holds up a key, answering my unspoken question.

“She’ll be home soon.” He responds. His and my definition of “soon” must be very different because I know it’s at least another three hours before she’s off. “Are you hungry?” He walks closer. I want to step back but my feet are stuck in place. He hasn't done anything but my anxiety and fear shoot through the roof being here alone with him. My mind is screaming for me to get out but still I don’t move. I only shake my head no.

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