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The dinner party was a roaring success. I can tell by how happy Kase is in the days that follow. The hate fuck threesome afterwards caught me off guard, but I think I won that one too. I'm not sure what got into him or what caused the anger in him but he's been different since then. He doesn't keep her in the box for long anymore. Every day her time out becomes longer and longer. It becomes concerning to me. I don't like it. Unless he feels like he accomplished what he set out to do and doesn't need to lay down the law anymore. He mentioned the guy filming her at the dinner and it may have satisfied his need to send her a message.

I get into the shower and let the warm droplets flow over me. I hear Kase in the bedroom, but I don't know what he's doing or whether he's coming to join me. The door closes and I assume that he has business to take care of or that he came to fetch his keys or something else that he needed. My phone rings and I leave the shower to get it. I'm expecting a call from Singapore about the progress of a new deal.

"Alex." I answer.

The voice on the other end doesn't stand on ceremony.

"Where's my money?" He asks.

"Look, I told you I don't have your money right now, but I will. You just need to give me some time." I answer. I need to get this guy off the phone before Kase returns.

"Look, if you don't want me to tell your boyfriend how his father really ended up as fish food. Then you'll get me my money pronto, I'm giving you a week."

"I'll get you your money. Kase can never know that I'm the reason the Russians upped their initial asking price and caused the deal to go south. Vince! Vince!" He'd already hung up. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I scream into the empty phone before hurling it across the room. I go back and finish my shower. I try to think of a way out and asking Kase is not an option. I turn the hot water faucet lower and lower until I'm standing in a freezing shower. Lowering my heart rate and centering myself. I turn the hot water up after a minute and finish my shower. I hear Kase's car leave as I turn the shower off. I dry myself in record time and get dressed so that I can leave. I need to figure out what I'm going to do next. I can’t let the man I love discover that I’m the reason his father was murdered. I need to retreat and plan. I add up all my assets in my head so that I can arrange a second mortgage on my apartment in Manhattan. I might be able to raise what Vince is asking but the problem with guys like that is, once they have you by the short and curlies you're on the hook for life. No, I needed a permanent remedy for the Vince problem. Growing up on the streets, I had to learn what it takes to survive. My mom and dad were perpetually strung out, and in and out of jail, leaving me with no choice but to be smart and ruthless to survive. Not for me, the private schools and birthday parties while Kase and that bitch downstairs enjoyed. I had to fight and fuck for everything that I have. I'm not about to let some lowlife opportunists take it away from me now. I need to call in a few favors and then figure out if Vince told anyone else before I take him out. I pull on my jacket and head out. I'm half a mile away before I think to myself, maybe patience isn't the best approach with Kase either. While I'm taking care of Vince, I might as well take that bitch out too. She's becoming an unnecessary hindrance to what I want. I can see it in his eyes, no matter what his lips say. She's got to go. But I can't kill her, or at least I can't make her murder obvious. No, I think our Orla is going to take her own life and free herself from this hell she's living. Everyone involved will believe that she chose to die rather than be subjected to a life of pain and degradation, well, the degradation part will be our little secret. She'll just leave a note saying she couldn't live in a loveless marriage any longer and didn't want to disgrace her family with the shame of a divorce. Kase will be happy because her father's misery and guilt will never end. His father will be avenged and her family, well they will just have to suck it up. After all they got her into this and her blood will be on their hands.



Ilay weeping in the box. Kase placed me in here before he left. I listened to that cruel pit viper admit that he was responsible for his boyfriend's father's death. The powerlessness I feel now is overwhelming. I can't say anything to Kase because it's my word against his boyfriend and he hates me. It will seem like the desperate ramblings of a lunatic. My tears flow because I know that I'm alone and won't be disturbed. I have no one to be hard for or deny my vulnerability to. I'm free to just feel and wrap my head around all of this. The questions assault me in this crowded space, but the answers hide in the seams of the wood that make up my coffin. The tears roll down and pool in the folds of my ears and over my cheeks, past the corners of my mouth. I hear movement outside and raise a hand to wipe my face. I feel the box being pulled and then the lid opens. It's Kase, he tells me to go to my room and to get ready.

Ilay in the bath waiting to be summoned. My head still spinning from what I heard and what to do about it. My mind drifts back to what I need to get ready for and I try to gather the courage to not give either of them what they want - no matter what. Kase summons me upstairs and I'm blindfolded and ushered into the closet. I hear the secret door open. It leads to their sex dungeon. He knows it terrifies me. The things in here are like something out of a medievil movie. They tell me to undress, and I obey. I try to swallow to compensate for the salty taste in my mouth, that my fear seems to be creating, but my mouth is dry. I take off my clothing and then they tell me to remove my underwear too. Once my bra and panties are off, one of them takes me roughly by the hand and leads me further into the room. I feel myself being strapped into a leather piece of furniture. The smell of the material nauseates me, and I have to fight the dry heaving. A ball is placed in my mouth and the attached strap is fastened to the back of my head. I am gagging on the ball and struggle to breathe, which increases the fear that I feel. I hear the sound of a whip being cracked and shake my head involuntarily. I try to control it, but I can't. The fear takes hold. The first lash hits my buttocks, and the searing pain courses through me. I let out a scream but cannot breathe and scream with the ball in my mouth. As one of them lashes me again, I feel something being clipped onto my nipples and the pain feels like a stab. The second one comes quickly and as I give up. That is until I begin to scream and cry it just seems to spur them on and they ramp things up until I feel something being inserted into me and the churning sound as it's opened. The pain rushes through my body like electric shocks through a barefoot electrician. Intense and unrelenting. My tears and screams do nothing to entice them to show mercy, and I surrender to the darkness.

Iawake in the bed on my back. Naked and the first thing I feel is the pain from the lashes. I try to turn and find relief. My body feels like a giant wound, raw and pulsing. The tears come swiftly and without end. They flow like a neglected faucet, and I don't even attempt to quell them. I slow my breathing because the vomiting makes the pain worse. I feel sticky and lift my hand to feel between my legs. My fingers emerge covered in blood and I blink back the tears to see more clearly, all the while hoping that I'm imagining it. I'm not, I fight the pain to lift myself off the bed. I've been placed on towels probably to hide what's been done to me from the servants. The towel clings to my back, and I hear a tearing sound as I rip it from the open wounds on my back. I make my way slowly to the bathroom. My face is unbruised, but I struggle to see what my back and butt look like. I take a towel and I try to clean the blood from between my legs. I go to the shower and turn on the water because I don't think I can lower myself into a bath. I probably won't be able to get out. I scream as the hot water burns the wounds and then remove the hand-held shower and attachment move my legs as far apart as possible before placing the nozzle between my legs and flipping the switch. I bite down on my wrist because I forgot to bring a towel into the stall with me. I hold it in place until the searing burn eases a little and I read the label of the fresh bottle of shower soap and notice that it contains tea tree oil. I rub the soap into the wounds that I can reach and just stand there to endure the burn for as long as I can before turning the water back on. Lifting my face toward the shower head, I just stand that way until I'm sure that I can't drown this way. I have never, ever wanted to die as much as I do at this moment. My mind scrambles like a falling person. I plan my escape. Perhaps if I can at least get to my father and tell him what I know, even if he does nothing with it. He'll know that I'm not paying another man's debt any longer. I don't just plan my escape from this hell but from my family, too. I need to leave and go to a place that they'll never find me, any of them.



Isit in my office, It's the only place that I can be alone with my thoughts and feelings. I don't know why I allowed myself to be talked into the dark room session by Alex. He returned to the house aroused and eager for us to introduce Orla to the room. He goaded me until I relented. The thing that's not sitting well with me is how much he enjoyed inflicting pain on her. Her screams spurred him on. I participated, but for the first time, it didn't turn me on. She wasn't a willing participant. No safe word or consent. It was torture, pure and simple. I tried to go easy on her with the lashes while making it believable, but he didn't buy it. I can't let this carry on. I pick up the phone and summon Dr. Evans to the house. He's on the payroll and doesn't ask questions. He's in so deep that he wouldn't risk flapping his gums to anyone.

Alex is angry that I've called the doctor to the house. Dr. Evans is upstairs tending to Orla. Alex stormed off in a huff and got in his car. I wait downstairs for the doctor to finish. He takes a few hours but eventually, I hear him coming down the stairs. He's gasping for air by the time he makes it to the bottom landing. He doesn't look at me and I know it's because he's disgusted. I've used him many times for many things, but I think this was a first for him and he's questioning his life choices.

"How's she doing?" I ask, attempting to counteract the judgment and guilt I feel for allowing allowing myself to be a participant in what happened to her.

"She's how you'd expect her to be doing. I've sedated her and tended to her wounds. I had to perform an emergency dilatation and curettage to offset infection and save her life." He says flatly.

"What's that.” I ask.

"A D&C is a procedure that removes tissue from inside the uterus in the case of an incomplete miscarriage or abortion." He says.

"She was pregnant?"

"Yes. A few weeks, which is why she was bleeding so profusely." He answers.

"Did you tell her?" I ask.

"I explained what I was doing but not why?" He says. "I've given her some powerful medications and something to help her sleep. She should be ok in a week up and about in a few days. It might help if she gets on her feet and starts walking as soon as she feels able." He doesn't look at me once. "Here's a prescription if she needs more painkillers, which she will.” The last part is pointed. A veiled way to tell me how disgusted he is by what I've done to my wife. My mind is still reeling from the news of the miscarriage. The threesome was the first time that Alex had sex with Orla, so the baby was mine. I take the prescription from the doctor and show him out. I instruct the maid to go upstairs and remove the medication that the doctor left in Orla's room. I leave instructions for her to be looked after, day and night, and that her medication is to be given to her as per the doctor's instruction by one of them. I'm concerned that she'll do something drastic after this and who would blame her?

Idecide not to tell Alex about any of this when he returns. Only that I've given instructions for her to be nursed back to health and that from now on he's to ease up on her. We both will. His face is hard and defiant. I've never seen this side of him, and it makes me rethink everything about our relationship; everything about him.

"Ok. This is your rodeo. I'm just the clown." He says as he turns to go upstairs. I'm in my office when he comes back down, saying that he has some urgent business in the city, and he'll probably only see me in a couple of days. He comes over to me and sits on my lap and to kiss me, but it's cold and calculated, but I play along. I know he’s angry. He doesn't like the new direction this is going in, but doesn't want to risk giving me an ultimatum. He gets up and hits me with a, "Don't miss me too much, " and his million-dollar smile before waving goodbye.

I watch as he walks towards his car, and turns back to wave goodbye before he gets into the car driving off. I watch as his car disappears between the trees that line the driveway leading away from the house. I stare long after he's gone. The numbness I feel is unmistakable, but I don't know what it means. He knows a lot and until today I didn't think that I had anything to fear from him. The only thing I've ever been concerned about with former lovers has been indiscretion. Alex is no different but I moved past that - I still don't have any concerns about him talking, but a chill goes through as I entertain the idea that he may be capable of a lot worse than spilling bedroom secrets. It throws everything I believe into disarray and makes me question my judgment for the first time in my life. Even as a young adult, I was pretty astute and an excellent judge of character, as well as a persons motivation. My dad took particular pride in my ability to read people. Did my grief make me so blind that I lost it, opened the door of my life to someone who's capable of God knows what? There's a broken young woman upstairs because of my lust for him and vengeance. I murdered my child in pursuit of revenge. Am I the monster that my father spoke of, or did I open the door and my life to the monster when I invited Alex home?


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