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Until she came.

Until he started to treat her the same way, he treated me when he first chose me to be his. I hated him for it, but I hated her even more, so I changed his mind. I knew that Kase had a plan because he told me about it in a moment of rage. Apparently, the whore’s father had caused some kind of business merger to go south, causing his father’s life to be put on the line by people that he answered to. Men who belonged to a dangerous organization of criminals that didn’t like to lose, as he put it. No matter how desperately he wanted to be just like those men, he always had a crack in his armor, and his soft heart sometimes beat through it. At first, she was nothing more than a chore to house. She was made to keep the house clean, cook the meals, sleep outside in a shed that was barely standing, and was never left inside longer than her duties required.

I think it was the night that he stood in the bedroom window, jaw tightened so much I was afraid that he’d break his teeth, that he heard her crying outside. She was under our window, pulling weeds from the garden because I had ordered her to do so. Her hands were bloodied, scraped, and bruised, and I told her not to stop until the entire yard had been weeded. I didn’t care that she was tired and desperate for sleep. Kase had been the same way since his father had been killed.

But then I noticed, he wasn’t sticking to his plan to use and destroy her, and I had to remind him of what her father had done to his family. His father’s death led to his mother’s suicide. His father’s death led to his brother getting hooked on drugs and overdosing. His father’s death made him an orphan at sixteen years old, and someone had to pay the price. And even though he had suffered so many fucking losses, I couldn’t help but think that they all led him to me.

Where he always belonged, I thought as I glanced at him. A soft sigh escaped Kase as he smacked his lips together in his sleep, causing me to smile. It was his little quirks that made me love him so damn much, and I wondered if I would ever have one of my own that would finally root his soul to mine. I reached over and gently caressed his hair until he fell soundly back to sleep again, thinking of the stinking bitch beneath us. She was his enemy—our enemy—and I was going to make damn sure that he remembered that when the sun rose in the morning.



Alex gets up and heads to the bathroom. I watch his tight bubble butt move as he walks, and my cock begins to stir again. I never get tired of that warm hole. My attention shifts to the girl in the coffin underneath the bed. I lay still and listen for her breathing. I hear nothing. It doesn't disturb me because I know she's ok. Her prison was designed to be too uncomfortable for death - no matter how hard she might pray for it. She's learning. It displeases me. I want her to suffer, to know the pain I live with every day. If I had my way, it would be her father in that box, but that's not how things play out in my world. Fucking the old man within an inch of his life would be satisfying, but ultimately show weakness and flaws. No matter how humiliation or suffering I cause him, it wouldn't help because I've learned that people bear pain easier when it's inflicted on them instead of those they love, and he loves his daughter. That's why I demanded her as compensation. He refused to sign her up to the Wife for Hire agency, but his wife wasn't as reluctant. She knew that it was the girl or their lifestyle. Cold-hearted bitch.

My mind comes back to the room and to the girl. Her silence unnerved me, and I needed her afraid. I need her screaming and tortured. If she just gave up or adjusted to stay under the radar, there would be no vengeance or joy in that for me. I move off the bed silently and feel the bare marble tile on my warm feet. Cum still drips from my semi-hard cock. I cross the room silently and make my way to the closet. The one she dreads. I retrieve the Heretics Fork and go back to the bedroom. Trying to recall what it said on the agency form about her fears. I reach for my phone and find the sound I need. My finger slides over the play icon, and the quiet room is filled with the sound of hissing and slithering. I hear her breathing become heavier and I get excited. She's trying to stay in control, and I need to take it from her. I remove the pillowcase and drag the heavy beaded material across the floor, occasionally grazing the box as I go. I can hear the breathing increase and her thuds as she moves away from the sound. There's nothing more terrifying than out-of-place sounds in the dark. I move the phone closer and take the fork and scratch against the wood. She screams and my hard-on pulsates. I pull the box out from under the bed and rip it open. She lets an aching, terrified scream. The smell of her waste and sweat hit me like a smack. I recoil.

"Weren't you told to stay quiet?" I scream at her. Alex's laughs echo in the bathroom even from the shower.

"I'm sorry..." Her eyes are pleading, but she finds no mercy in the eyes looking back at her.

"SHUT UP!" I scream. She stops talking but can't control the sobbing. I take the fork by the collar and loosen the catch. "Maybe this will help you!" She doesn't speak, but the begging and side-to-side shaking of her head make what she wants obvious. I ignore her and fasten the collar around her neck and position the fork under her chin. She calms down instantly, out of self-preservation. The points of the fork cause dimples and reddening of the skin, and she has to stretch her neck to find relief. I slam the lid of her death box shut and push it back under the bed. Her whimpering is all the push I need to find release for my aching cock. I follow it like a divining rod to the hole I know is always ready to welcome it. I climb in behind Alex and immediately he grinds his soapy ass into me. He's been waiting for me. He's prepared himself for me and within minutes will devour me, large headfirst and then all nine inches. I look at myself in the small mirror underneath the shower head and love the way my face contorts with pleasure at the ecstasy of his tight hole spasming with pleasure with each thrust. The harder I fucked him, the more he spasmed. His blonde hair is wet and clinging to the sides of his face like an athlete drenched in sweat instead of hot water. He breathes heavily but his moans are not as loud as before, so I thrust myself into him balls deep. Through the second wall and he lets out a guttural scream. It makes me even harder and when I pull out, he quivers and half sighs with relief and pleasure. My pumping continues slower, more teasing, and then I pump faster and deeper as he moans and screams.

"Play with your cock. Get hard for me." I whisper in his ear, and he obliges. He strokes himself and soon his cock is hard and leaking milk. "Come for me. I want you to come while I'm fucking you." I instruct him. He starts working his cock faster and faster until we're in rhythm and after a few minutes, he shoots his load all over the terracotta tile. I watch the white milk splatter in bursts across the wall and the simultaneous twitching of his prostate on my cock pushes me over. I cum inside him as I lift my hand to his mouth, and he suckles my thumb the way I like. We shower together and he washes my black hair and massages my scalp. When we're done, he gets out first. Wrinkled from being in the water for so long. It's more than we can say about the girl in there.

"She needs to clean herself and the box too." I say to Alex.

"Yes. The smell is horrible -when you open it. Tomorrow. When you're at work, I'll have her do it." He says.

"Thank you." I smile in appreciation. "I suppose you'd better prepare her for the dinner on Tuesday. When she makes her first appearance."

"Do you think that's wise? Aren't you afraid she'll betray you or talk about us?" He asks.

"There's only one way to find out. Besides, she knows what's at stake if she lets me down and there'll be no better time to take her for a test drive. Her father's spies will be there, and I want them to tell him. What's the point of her suffering if he doesn't know about it?" I finish and catch sight of a smile cross Alex's face. He loves her suffering. I wonder if it's because it makes me happy or for his own reasons.



My neck aches and I struggle to sleep with the device poking the thin skin above my throat. I hear them return from the shower and pray silently that they will let me out, if only for a moment. If only to clean myself. I can't endure my stink anymore. They crawl into bed and in a matter of minutes; I hear their sleep sounds. Alex snores while Kase has a soft and slow, melodic hum to his sleep. My arms are pressed against the sides of the box, but they're free. I try to make as little sound as possible as I wriggle to free one and raise it to my neck. I move the device a little to the side of my face. The feeling of relief almost makes me feel grateful. I can't believe that I'm feeling grateful for not being in extreme pain even while I'm still confined and in less pain. I know that I should try to get some sleep, but the fear of the horrors that await me tomorrow makes sleep a dream. The smell of ammonia from my piss burns my nostrils and stings my eyes. I can't see anything in front of me and can only feel be my breath as it ricochets off the lid of this coffin.

Iwake when I feel the coffin being pulled and scramble to move the device back into position. It's not as easy as I thought, but the fear of what the consequences will be for removing it makes me careless. I pierce my skin trying to position it, but I swallow the pain and focus on looking as though it's been in that position all night. I pray that it's Kase who opens the box and not Alex. Even though he's the one who put this thing on me as a punishment for screaming in terror -he's still the kinder of the two. I've come to live with a very broad definition of kindness in my time here. This was a harsh and unforgiving place and kindness was sometimes food, water or even a few minutes between horrors. God forgive me but I hate my father for this and curse my mother for bringing me into the world only to endure this as my fate. A lifetime spent paying for sins that aren't my own. I didn't kill Kase's father or cause him to be killed, but I have to serve the sentence. The fact that this betrayal is at my father's hands is all the more painful. I know things happen in business, especially his business, but to give me away as collateral without a thought of what these deranged men would subject to me is hard to bear.

The lid opens and my heart sinks as Alex's hazel colored eyes - cold green with only hints of brown on the edges- stare down at me.

"Get out." He commands. "Kase wants you to clean yourself up and your room as well." He laughs, then lifts his hands to my face, and I recoil. He removes the device and throws it across the room. "Go."

I move quietly but quickly out of the room, more out of fear of him changing his mind and subjecting me to some vile act or punishment, to the room that I've been told is where I will spend my time when I'm not in the box. It's also where I clean myself and the box. I'm able to drag it behind me. It's light but sturdy, but today my body aches. I don't know how long I've been in the box, except that it was light when I was placed in it yesterday and that I was there throughout the night. I reach the room and start by cleaning the box. I have everything I need here in this bare room. It's only a little cheerier than the jail cells I've seen on television. There's one window at least, which is something, I guess. I don't know how long I have before he summons me again or Kase returns and the two of them concoct some plan or scheme. I pray that they have plans and go out. When he's being taken out on the town by Kase, Alex is more pleasant, and the cruelty abates for a little while- often they'll even allow me to stay in the room and once they forgot about me and I slept in a bed for the first time in a month. I clean the box and pray that the smell of lavender and lemons clings to it for a while. It helps when I'm in there. I close my eyes and take myself back to my grandmother's estate and its lavender fields and lemon orchards. I imagine myself running wild and free the way I did as a child and it's amazing- until the smell fades and I'm tugged back to the cold, harsh reality of the box. Most days I can hold out and not soil myself, but yesterday - I think it was yesterday- I just couldn't hold it anymore. It was the last semblance of dignity that I had, and it broke me when I lost it. I hated the look of satisfaction that crossed Alex's face when he opened the box and scrunched up his face. He knew they'd won. I knew I'd lost. The battle for my physical body was lost that day, but I clung hard and desperately to my mind, dignity and emotions. I refused to be broken, but that battle is lost now. First with pissing myself and then when the fear of a snake outside the box made me scream out in terror in a way that neither of them had ever caused me to do - no matter how hard they tried.

The knock at the door sends chills through me. I haven't even had the time to towel off. I quickly get into a t-shirt and jeans and answer the door so that he doesn't knock twice. He eyes me up and down.

"The kitchen staff will bring your food up in a couple of hours, and then you and I need to get you ready for your first public appearance as Kase's new wife. He's having a dinner party on Thursday night." He doesn't wait for me to ask a question or respond. It wasn't a request.

I go to the bed and lay down. It's not the best bed, but it's better than the box. Someone has changed the sheets and comforter since I slept here last. I'm grateful for the respite. A knock at the door announcing my food wakes me. I have no appetite but know that I must eat. I open the door and smile warmly as the maid brings in the tray. She knows she's not to make conversation or even address me. I learned the hard way that I'm to smile and not engage with the staff, either. Kase doesn't feel the need to present a front to them and neither does Alex. Like me, they are below them and none of us question it. The dinner is a sideways move and I force myself not to think about it too much. Just keep your head down and do as you're told. Maybe they'll get tired of me or bored and just leave me? Even as I think about it and ask, I know that it's a naïve dream. The only way that I'll leave this place is if he lets me or in a box. Blood debt.



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