Page 57 of Dare Me

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My lungs freeze up for the length of the kiss. It couldn’t be more than two seconds, but it feels like I’ll never breathe again. They finally pull apart and she looks at me over his shoulder before turning her attention back to him, cupping his cheek.

My molars feel a second away from cracking, and I must be showing it because the woman in front of me asks, “Are you alright?”

I relax my jaw and turn on my signature smile. “Better than alright. Now, tell me more about that,” I coo, brushing her auburn hair off her shoulder. My eyes cut to Stella quickly, making sure she’s watching. I trail my hand down her arm and speak quietly, so she has to lean in. “I love how passionate you are.” Passionate about what? I don’t know, but it will keep her talking and give me more time to toy with Stella.

Navy sport coat gives a card to Stella before walking away. I’ve found most people hand out their card then dip, leaving the ball in the other person’s court. Which works well for us, trying to get as many cards as possible in one night.

The woman—I think her name is Alice—chatters on, and Stella waves the man’s card, tucked between two of her fingers. She mouths the word, Diamond, and smiles triumphantly before tucking it into her bra.

At this point, I couldn’t care less about finding the killer. I do because it’s important to Stella, but this game isn’t about that anymore. It’s about shaking Stella awake to what’s right in front of her.

We’re good together. Damn good.

I’m not above these childish games of jealousy if that’s what it takes.

I rest my arm along the back of the cushioned bench and place my hand on Alice’s leg. I don’t look at Stella, but I can feel her gaze burning into me. I drag my palm up Alice’s thigh and trace the hem of her skirt, gradually leaning closer. She asks me questions, and I answer on autopilot, only caring about one thing: how I look to Stella.

Her words go in one ear and out the other. All my attention goes to absorbing Stella’s reaction in my peripheral as my hand slips under Alice’s skirt. I feel nothing for this woman. I don’t even feel bad for using her. The way Stella grips her martini glass like a sword she’s carrying into battle as she stands is worth any false hope I give Alice.

I track her as she glides through the club, turning heads as she goes. That goddamn dress swishes back and forth as she walks, catching the red lights and highlighting her delicious ass with every step. She finishes her drink and puts the empty glass on a passing cigarette girl’s tray.

She doesn’t go to the front entrance we always use. Instead, she takes a side exit directly in my line of sight. I receive her message loud and clear, like a trumpet in my chest, my ribs swell.

“I’m sorry. I have to go,” I say briskly and stand, eyes fixed on the door Stella just left through like it will disappear if I look away and she’ll be lost to me forever.

“Oh, let me give you my card before you leave.” She jumps up after me and hands me a little black card.

“Have a good night, Alice,” I say distractedly, scanning the number quickly before stuffing it in my pocket.

Her face falls. “It’s Allison.”

I cock my head to the side. “Isn’t that what I said?”

I don’t bother sticking around for her reply. Not when I know what’s waiting for me outside. Stella’s finally ready to eat her words and admit that she can’t stand the thought of me with anyone else. What else could be worth giving up precious time to win more cards?

My heart pounds as I stalk to the side door, pushing it open. The air instantly feels humid compared to the club’s AC. It clings to my skin, and I can taste the salty air on my tongue. It feels like all my senses are heightened, straining to find what I’m searching for. I can hear my heartbeat in my ears as my head swivels, looking around for Stella.

This must primarily be a staff entrance. The only light is on the corner of the building twenty feet away. Tropical trees and plants create a dense wall in front of me. A small path winds the perimeter of the club. I walk away from the light.

I hope Stella’s ready for what happens in the dark.

I see her as soon as I round the corner. She’s standing in the middle of the path, one hand on her hip and her head tilted to the side. My throat tightens.

“What are we doing out here, Stella Mae? You weren’t getting jealous, were you?” My chuckle is taunting as I try to hide the unbridled excitement bubbling inside me. I watch her pretty throat bob on a swallow. My hand itches to wrap around it and feel her try to do it again.

Her eyes glint viciously. “Maybe I just didn’t want to see you suck face with some girl. Wanting to keep my dinner down isn’t the same as being jealous.” Her words cut deep, puncturing any hope I had for this moment.

I laugh dryly, anger and sadness making it as cold as ice. I take a step closer, wetting my lip. My stomach churns but the words still come out, painfully vulnerable even if said in a cocky lilt. “My kisses are only for you, a réalta.”

The surliness strips from her face. “What do you mean?” Her voice is surprisingly small as I take another step.

I’m close enough to tuck a loc behind her ear. My finger trails down her jaw and tilts her chin up. Maybe I can still save this. “You’re the only person I’ve kissed since your birthday.”

Her eyes sink then brighten again as she narrows them and says, “What about Veronica?”

Her gotcha moment is short-lived. “I dropped her off right after we ate. Nothing ever happened.”

A wave of emotion crashes over her face. So many intertwined together, I can’t parse them apart. Regret, shock, hurt, happiness. It’s like watching a flickering slide show. Whatever one she lands on has her rising onto her toes and cradling my cheek.

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