Page 66 of Keep Me

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A piece of Roan died that day on the island.1 Whatever he witnessed sawed a bit of his heart off, and it was left there in the sand. Along with the blood and the bones and the tears.

He’s broken but beautiful, shattered but whole. And when the nightmares come that remind him of what he’s lost, it’s my job to remind him of everything he still has.

Sometimes he punches the door. Other times, like this morning, it’s a thrashing like he’s still chained.

“Run!” he yells in his sleep. “No!”

I try to wake him gingerly, but his eyes slam open, wild and dazed. He rolls on top of me, and in hurried, rash movements, he pushes up my sleep shirt. “Roan—”

“No talking.” His voice is harsh but quiet, and he pins my hand that reaches for him above my head and collars my throat with this other hand. “I just—I just need you, Reggie.”

He shoves my knees apart and roughly drags his hard cock over my bare pussy. This isn’t the first time we’ve fucked like this since the island. Rushed, impassioned, harsh. Roan may fuck like he fights, but what drives him to fight is also what drives him to fuck. It’s a release, a way to control something when the emotions inside him feel uncontrollable.

I can’t help but wonder if maybe what he needs isn’t another reminder that sex and violence go hand in hand. “Roan—Ro, look at me.” His gaze, fixated on where our bodies are about to meld, jumps to mine. “Are you going to fuck me hard?”

“No.” He tightens his fist around my neck. “I’m going to fuck you mercilessly.”

I use my free hand to palm his cheek. “Is that what you need—”

“What?” He’s beginning to get agitated, his jaw clenching.

“If that’s what you need, you know you can have it.”

He shakes his head like he’s trying to clear his thoughts. “I don’t know what you mean.”

I give the hand on my throat a testing push, and he allows me to remove it. I urge him onto his back, then climb on top of him and press tender kisses to his chest. “Let me love you sweetly. Will you let me do that for you?”

His brows fret together, and there’s a vulnerability in his eyes, but he nods. His arms are ramrod straight by his sides. I lift his hands to place them on my hips, giving them an encouraging squeeze before I slowly peel my shirt off.

Without an ounce of urgency, I run my palms up and down his torso, slowly rocking on his lap. He grimaces like he’s in pain. “Breathe for me, Ro. Just breathe and feel.” He squeezes his eyes shut and nods again. I cover his hands with mine and trail them up the curves of my body, over my breasts and back down.

I feel his hard cock against my ass and grind gently into it. His fingers tighten on my hips, and then relax. “You’re doing so good, baby.” He opens his eyes and looks at me as if to say, really?

He’s so raw and brutal, gentle and shy. His heart has been broken more times than anyone I know, and yet, it’s still the biggest of them all.

I lift my hips and reach between us to tease his cock at my entrance. “Feel how wet I am for you, Ro?” His teeth dig into his bottom lip as he gives me short, sharp nods. I lower myself onto him, and he hisses through gritted teeth. “You feel so good, fit me so perfectly.”

I keep my hands on his chest while I begin to ride him in slow, undulating movements. “Fuuck,” he sighs, digging his head into the pillow. I lean down to kiss him, swiping my tongue lightly across his lips and then sucking his bottom lip between my teeth, giving it a grazing tug.

I moan as I take my pleasure sweet and slow, feeling it bloom in my core like a warm summer breeze. He clasps his hands on either side of my face to hold me while he kisses me back, delving his tongue to caress mine, teasingly slow one moment, then deep and sensual the next. It makes my head swim, incandescent desire lighting up between us.

He sits up, wrapping his arms around me. I lace my arms around his neck and press our foreheads together as I glide up and down his length. Bliss coils tightly around my abdomen, and my pussy begins to throb as he tenderly thrusts up to meet me.

My orgasm comes sweet and slow, just like our loving. It builds and builds without pressure or haste, and I sink into the layered feelings.

“Oh fuck,” he groans, burying his head in the crook of my neck as his thighs flex and tense under me. My pulsing inner walls pull his release from him at the same time I come. He bites the tendons of my neck, then quickly laves the spot with his tongue to soothe the sting.

“Oh, yes, yes.” My climax crests and spills over like warm honey through my limbs.

“You saved me, Reggie,” he breathes into my skin. I clutch his head to my chest, my heart overflowing with emotions that no words can do justice.

I brush my lips over his hair. “Only because you saved me first.”


The mid-morning sun cuts through the trees with golden light, spilling out on the lawns and fields as people go about enjoying their Saturday morning. This routine has become a weekend ritual for us before I meet with my therapist for walk-and-talk sessions in the park.

I tried the whole office-visit thing. I sat in the chair, but all it made me want to do was punch my therapist in the face. When he suggested we could do sessions walking, I figured some fresh air and somewhere else to look other than his pity-filled eyes while I reopened every wound, old and barely healed alike, couldn’t hurt.

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