Page 13 of Refusing the King

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I could see the pain written all over it.

And my heart snapped apart again. Even so, I gave Eve a small smile and said, “Yeah.”

She leaned over and kissed me. “I can’t wait for you to have another baby. Dani will freak out. She’ll make a wonderful big sister.”

My stomach twisted and churned. Every time I thought about leaving these people—it made me feel horrible.

But every time I thought about taking Dani away from these people—people she’d known most of her life—it made me sick.

Completely heartsick to even imagine her never seeing her auntie Evie again. Or her new baby cousins.

No, Eve wasn’t her biological aunt, but that didn’t matter. She’d been more family to me than my own family had ever been. And now Dani wouldn’t have her.

Or Nick.

Or Stefan.

Or Carlo.

I was about to tear my baby away from people who genuinely loved and cared for her.

And it sucked.

Big time.

This was the kind of thing that affected kids for the rest of their lives.

But that was the real catch twenty-two.

If I didn’t take Dani away, she may not have a life to live anymore.

I sure wouldn’t. That I knew for certain. I wasn’t sure what Sergio would do with Dani.

And I’d do everything I could never to find out.



Iwas in the middle of singing when I felt something—off.

At first, I thought it was just me. Or maybe a small rodent or animal had gotten in and was making noise.

That didn't really bother me. I’d just mention it to Carlo, and he would deal with it later. As long as it didn't spook the horses, we’d be fine.

I loved it out here. Brushing Carmen and the other horses gave me a sense of peace that nothing else ever did.

I had people I loved in my life—whom I loved right back.

But not one thing in the world gave me serenity like being around horses did.

And that was why I ignored my gut reaction to flee as soon as I heard a noise.

Everything in my body told me to run. That it wasn’t safe.

But I didn’t listen.

I kept on belting out that tune like it was my sole purpose in life.

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