Page 3 of Dangerous Affair

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“Are there non-cheesy pick-up lines?”

Oh, yeah, I was enthralled.

“Not that I know of.”

Our drinks were placed in front of us. I picked up mine, motioned for her to do the same, and offered a toast.

“To a night full of orgasms.”

She smiled wider and asked, “Would those be yours or mine?”

“Depends on what your plans are for tonight.”

Our glasses were still close but untouched when Atlee volleyed, “I hope we’re not toasting to a night of self-love. That would be disappointing.”

Totally dig this woman.

“Finish your drink, Atlee.”

I clinked mine against hers.

She took a healthy swallow.

I was losing Jack.

But that was a tomorrow problem.

Tonight, I had Atlee.

* * *

I tapped the key card on the hotel room door. The electronic lock disengaging seemed to echo in the deserted hallway.

Was I crazy taking a man I didn’t know back to my room?


It was more than a little crazy and all kinds of stupid but I couldn’t find it in me to turn down Wilson’s offer of a night full of orgasms.

When was the last time that had happened?


Sex had always been okayish.

Not earth-shattering. Not mind-bending. Not steal my breath and leave me panting.

There was something about Wilson—an air of confidence that made me believe he could and would deliver on his promise.

And I wanted that. Just once. Just for the night. Then I’d go back to okayish sex with mildly good-looking men who needed help finding my nipples, forget my clit. I highly doubted Wilson would need help finding either.

Before I could open the door Wilson fitted himself against my back and his fingers circled my wrist on the handle.

“Before you open the door and invite me in, make sure this is what you want.”

His head was dipped, his lips close to my ear, his breath fanned over my neck causing a shiver to roll over me.

“This can end here,” he went on. “A nice night sharing a drink with a beautiful woman.”
