Page 29 of Dangerous Affair

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“Fuck,” he growled. “I’ll be in Las Vegas week after next.”

Butterflies erupted in my belly.


“I’ll call you.”

God, I wanted that so badly but I wasn’t sure I could handle more of Wilson.

“That’s not a good idea.”

“I’ll call you,” he repeated.

His tone brokered no argument. Besides, he didn’t have my number and if he asked my grandmother and she gave it I didn’t have to answer. Or maybe I could wrangle my unruly heart back to where it needed to be and I could give myself a few more nights of fantastic sex and otherworldly orgasms.

“Okay, Wilson.”

“Christ, I love hearing you whisper my name.”

With that he dropped his hand, leaving me in his hallway alone to wonder why his admission sounded like it had been torn from his soul.


“Nice room,” Jack said, looking around the suite.

Without looking up from my phone I said, “It fucking stinks in here.”

The three dots danced before they went away…again. This was the second time Atlee had started to respond but stopped.

“Stinks? What does it smell like?”

“Like someone had a heavy hand with the air freshener.”

“Only you would bitch about a luxury two-bedroom suite on the forty-fifth floor of the Sky Jewel with a view of the Bellagio fountains.”

I glanced out the window. It was daylight but still the Bellagio fountain was impressive.

Thoughts of fucking Atlee in front of that window while the fountain danced all lit up invaded my mind.

“When are you gonna tell me what’s crawled up your ass?”

I contemplated his question for no other reason than to give myself time to come up with a plausible lie. When nothing came to mind I gave him the same answer I’d given the last three times he’d asked.

“Nothing’s crawled up my ass.”

“Right,” he drawled and leaned back in one of the blue suede chairs. “Damn, these things are uncomfortable.”

“Now who’s bitching about a luxury two-bedroom suite?”

“Has she called you?” Jack changed the subject.


“Atlee,” he scoffed like he thought I was an idiot.

I blew his question off, deciding work was a better topic to discuss than Atlee not returning my text.

“Miller and Heffner will be here in twenty minutes. They’re bringing Deputy Marshal Catarina Keys with them.”
