Page 151 of Dangerous Affair

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“I told him he could marry Avery but Raine was mine,” Micha continued.

Avery was the third Wright girl and two years younger than her sister.

I had heard the stories about Davis wanting a big family and why. I wasn’t sure how big a herd was but after baby number five, Jane had declared her womb was closed for business. Three girls and two boys with the youngest being three was a lot to handle, or it would be if your name wasn’t Jane and you didn’t have a husband who devoted every waking moment to his children.

There was no doubt he loved his wife, but he lived for those kids.

I heard Wilson chuckle and tipped my gaze from Micha to his father.

“I think you need to speak to your son.”

“About what?”

“He’s too young to claim a woman, Wilson. He’s nine.”

“If I was his age and saw you, I’d stake my claim, too.”


This man.

He never fails to make my insides melt.

“I don’t want the boys fighting over a girl.”

“Princess, they’re nine, they’re boys, they’re as close as brothers, they’re gonna argue and fight. They’ll work it out.”

Funny how his son would work it out, but if his angel was the slightest bit miffed by something the world was coming to an end.

Speaking of Chloe.

“Your daughter and Dax—”

I smiled at my husband’s growl before I could finish what I was saying.

“Dax Noble knows my girl is off-limits. They’re eleven.”

Indeed they were, along with Jolee, Isabella, and Slade Daley. But that didn’t mean that Chloe hadn’t staked her claim.

“A smart girl knows when to stake her claim, too, Daddy.”

“Son, go find your sister and ask her to come here.”

Micha smiled up at his dad and ran off.

“You just can’t help yourself, can you?” I laughed.

Wilson’s hand went to the back of my neck, his fingers curling the way I loved, and he dipped his mouth to my ear.

“I like your dress, princess,” he whispered. “I’m gonna like it even more when I bend you over and flip it up before I fuck you in it.”

All these years later and still all it took was a few whispered words for Wilson to set me on fire.

It didn’t take long for Micha to drag his sister away from Dax.

“Hi, Daddy,” Chloe chirped.

I glanced up at my husband and waited—I knew it was coming, it happened every time his daughter was close, but changed slightly when she called him ‘Daddy’—he looked like he’d just hit heaven. This was the only way to describe it.
