Page 78 of Tame Me, Daddy

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“Let’s keep this civilized, Maxim,” he murmured. I huffed in annoyance, but I knew he was right. Acting rashly right now would only make things worse and I wouldn’t risk something as serious as Riley’s life over a fight at a bar, not with Mikhail’s soldiers.

Mikhail himself, on the other hand…

“I won’t let you touch her either,” Sergei growled.

“Riley is going to be my wife,” I announced, the words resonant and definitive. “If you want her, you’ll have to go through me.”

The leader’s eyes narrowed, very clearly assessing the three of us. For a moment, he just processed this information before he lifted his chin.

“Think carefully about your next move,” I warned them, my hand still on my weapon, ready to defend what was mine. “This is your only warning.”

After a tense moment, the leader signaled to his men to leave, and they slowly backed away, their departure as sudden as their arrival.

As soon as the door slammed shut, I cleared my throat.

“Next round’s on me,” I roared, and the entire bar erupted into chaos. Laughter and chatter quickly resumed as drinks were poured. Glasses clinked together and the whole atmosphere immediately started to lighten.

I leaned back against the worn leather of my seat, my hand absentmindedly swirling the vodka in my glass. Despite the good-natured fun now resuming around me, my thoughts immediately turned back to my little girl…

My Riley.

I needed to see her, to reassure myself that she was safe, to hold her and feel her body flush against my chest. Every fiber of my being ached to be back at home, to show her exactly how much she meant to me both in my arms and then in my bed.

I knew I should be focusing on the Orlov threat, but I found myself unable to. This wasn’t like me, but I’d reached a point where I didn’t care anymore.

Riley was the light of my life. I wanted to give her everything she wanted and everything she needed.

She was mine and I took care of what’s mine.

I lifted the glass and swallowed down the rest of my drink. I met my brother’s gazes, each one in turn, and nodded my goodbye.

Sergei winked in my direction.

Of all of my brothers, he was the only one that understood what I was feeling, or at least I thought he might. One day, I hoped he’d find another to love as much as he’d loved her.

Ivan just shook his head. Honestly, if it wasn’t lines of code or some new interesting technological invention, he wasn’t interested.

I waved and ducked out the front door.

Riley would be waiting at home for me.

The thought of her made me hard immediately. I wondered if she was naughty that day and if I should pinken her bottom before I made her fall apart beneath me.

Maybe, just maybe, I should reward her with all of the above and remind her what a good little girl she could be when she was taking my cock.

I grinned.

I couldn’t wait to get home to her. I was going to rip off all her clothes, spank that perfect little heart-shaped ass, and fuck her needy little pussy through one brutal climax after the next.

She’d be begging for mercy by the time I was through with her.

And I was going to enjoy every second of it.


Aweek later


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