Page 54 of Tame Me, Daddy

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Not nervous that he was going to hurt me.

Nervous about how hard he might fuck me.

Nervous about how hard he might make me come.

It was the kind of nervous that made my thighs press together. His gaze darkened and then he was looking at me like he was a man starved and I was the only food for miles.

I swallowed hard and then I drew in a breath, trying to figure out what to do.

“It’s okay,” he encouraged, his voice soft, the tone reassuring.

But it wasn’t that simple.

How could I explain what I needed?

My pussy throbbed, the pressure between my legs so intense that my clit pulsed with every beat of my heart.

I couldn’t take much more of this. I needed relief and more than anything, I wanted him to be the one to give it to me.

I wanted him to touch me.

For a long moment, I just stared at him, my breathing coming in short little pants until I eventually did the unthinkable.

I kissed him.

It was a soft, hesitant brush of my lips against his, barely a touch, and as our mouths met, a shock of electricity jolted through me. He didn’t move, and the lack of his response made a wave of mortification crash over me.

“Riley-girl…” he growled and my stomach flip-flopped inside of me.

Maybe I’d overstepped.

Maybe I’d made him angry.

Maybe I shouldn’t have…

Then his kiss brushed against my lips again, steady and sure and so much harder than mine had been. Another whimper escaped my throat, and as his mouth captured mine, I lost all self-control. My hands flew up, wrapping around his neck, and his arms tightened around me, pulling me flush against him.

The kiss deepened and fiery tendrils of desire burst all over my body. I felt like I was going to implode from the pressure between my legs, and I arched my back, desperate for relief.

My lips parted, and Maxim didn’t hesitate, taking the opening and plundering my mouth with his tongue. He ravaged my mouth with his, taking and possessing me with the first real kiss of my life.

I didn’t fight the moan that escaped my lips. The sound was loud and obscene and filled the air around us. Upon hearing it, a cloud of shame billowed up inside of me, but he quickly dashed it away. His arms tightened, pulling me even closer as his tongue claimed me, his lips moving hungrily against mine.

Maxim groaned, the sound rumbling through his chest, vibrating through me and sending a shiver down my spine. I gasped and he kissed me even more firmly before his arms pulled back and his hands grazed over my body, touching and exploring me, from the curve of my hips all the way up to the hard plane of my shoulders.

I gasped when his hand passed over my breast, but he only paused for a moment, just long enough to pinch my nipple softly through the fabric of my nightie.

Then he took hold of the tiny shoulder straps of my pajamas and pulled them taut.

Without warning, he tore right through them, first the left and then the right. I went to push him away, but his fingers wound around my wrists and expertly pinned them above my head.

He easily ripped through the rest of my nightie with just one hand. The tearing sound sent another shiver racing through me. The ruined nightie fell away, baring my breasts and my belly and the rest of me, and I sucked in a sharp breath.

A low growl erupted from his throat, and his mouth claimed one breast while his free hand palmed the other.

A surge of pleasure spiked through me, more intense than I’d ever felt in my life.

I moaned and twisted against him, writhing in his arms, and he groaned in response, the sound reverberating against my sensitive skin. His tongue circled around my nipple, and when he sucked it into his mouth, I arched against him, moaning with wild abandon.

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