Page 4 of Tame Me, Daddy

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“Speaking of empires,” I said as my brother’s laughter died down, “I called you all here for a reason. Let’s move this to the back room. We have serious matters to discuss, and they’re not for the ears of every Tom, Dick, and Harry in this place.”

My brothers nodded with their understanding and then we all stood up and headed toward the door in the back. The back room of the Iron Wolf Tavern was our usual meeting place. Lined with the same dark woods and rich textures as the main bar, it held a round table that seemed more suited to a band of medieval war strategists than modern-day businessmen, but it worked for us.

As we settled around the table, I cleared my throat as I took my seat.

“Brothers,” I began, my voice low and steady, “we’re at a turning point. It’s time we expanded further than these walls and this city. Boston is just the beginning. I think there’s potential in New York.”

Sergei leaned forward, his fingers tracing the interstate lines on the map. “New York is extremely competitive. It’s teeming with others who won’t welcome us. We’ll need a solid plan before we even step foot in the place.” His voice was cautious, always the strategist among us.

“Think about the new tech opportunities, Sergei. It could give us the edge we need,” Ivan chimed in, his voice filled with excitement. I could always count on his optimism to lift the mood.

“And here I was thinking Ivan would want to set up a server farm in Times Square.” Sergei gave Ivan a playful shove before turning serious. “But he’s right. New York offers more than just new ground—it’s a hub for innovation, something that could benefit our entire operation.”

Aleksei, who had been quietly listening for much of the conversation, finally spoke up. “We could blend in, maybe even start some cultural initiatives to garner community support. Art exhibitions, perhaps, bridging the old and the new.”

I nodded. “That’s a really good point. Winning over hearts and minds could be just as important as any tech-savvy business strategy.”

The room fell silent for a moment as we all considered the possibilities.

“Let’s put it to a vote then. All in favor of expanding our operations into New York, say ‘aye,’” I declared.

“Aye,” came the chorus, each voice firm and resolute.

“And those opposed?” I asked, already knowing the answer. Silence answered me, and I grinned, meeting the eyes of my brothers one by one.

“Then it’s settled. We move on New York,” I announced, a sense of pride and excitement swelling in my chest.

We all stood up, gathering in close. Sergei clapped me on the back, Ivan raised his glass in a toast, Nikolai’s booming laugh filled the room, and Aleksei’s quiet, knowing smile spread over his face. Together, as a unit, we were going to make our name even bigger and more powerful than it already was.

“Let’s make this the beginning of a new chapter for us,” I concluded, and the five of us smiled at one another, the anticipation written all over our faces.

A sudden shout cut through the wooden doors of our private room. Then, more yelling echoed throughout the room, the distinct sound of a chair scraped violently against the floor, and the unmistakable grunt of men clamoring for a brawl soon followed.

In an instant, all five of us were moving.

Sergei reached the door first, pushing it open with a force that made it slam against the wall. We spilled into the main area of the bar, immediately scanning the room for the source of the disturbance.

Through the crowd of shifting bodies, a towering figure emerged. He was a massive man, easily six-foot-six, his fists clenched as he shouted in thickly accented Russian at a considerably smaller man who was trying to, quite unsuccessfully, calm the giant down. Beside the giant stood a young woman, her expression one of both annoyance and sheer embarrassment.

For the briefest of seconds, my gaze inadvertently met the young woman’s. There was something about her—perhaps the rebellious tilt of her chin or the blazing fire in her blue eyes—that caught me completely off guard. For a fleeting second, the chaos around me dulled into a low hum, her face a clear focus in the midst of the blur.

Her cascade of fiery red hair framed her shoulders and fell down her back in soft waves. Her piercing blue eyes held such defiance that no doubt matched her wild spirit, yet somehow, there was still a spark of innocence there that drew me in. Her cheeks were rosy with color, pink and soft, just like her utterly bitable lips.

I longed to kiss them.

Her slender body was lean, but her curves went on for days. I licked my lips as I took in the swells of her full breasts, her curvy hips, and the long lines of her legs. She couldn’t be any taller than five foot two, but her confident stance made her seem larger than life.

At least to me.

Our eyes held each other’s across the crowded room. It was like time stilled, the noise around us fading into insignificance. It was as if a single look had the power to pierce through the facade of the everyday and touch directly on something deeply rooted in my soul.

I didn’t know what to make of it. I hadn’t looked at a woman like that in more than a decade, not since my wife died years ago.

I took a deep breath. I shouldn’t be looking at her this way. She couldn’t be any older than my daughter. She was far too young for me. I had to be at least twice her age and then some, but even though that should have stopped me in my tracks, it didn’t.

Just then, the man beside her shouted, his voice booming, “Keep your hands off me. Riley belongs to me! If I want to fuck her right here on this table, that’s exactly what I’m going to do!”

The possessive edge to his tone jarred the moment between us as he reached back and grabbed her arm, his grip so visibly tight that his knuckles turned white. She winced, a flicker of pain crossing her delicate features, and it was that small, involuntary reaction that snapped me back to reality in an instant.

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