Page 36 of Tame Me, Daddy

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Locked in? Really?

Trying to cool my head, I stepped back, breathing heavily, my mind racing through a mixture of anger and panic. My rage seemed to simmer up all the way from the tips of my toes, steaming right through the rest of me like a fucking freight train.

No, I wasn’t going to let this stand. I couldn’t.

I scanned the room, searching for another way out. My eyes landed on the window. I rushed over, fingers clawing at the locks, only to find them screwed tightly shut. It appeared as though I was trapped for the moment, but I wasn’t defeated—not yet.

I’d find a way out if it killed me.

I looked around, spotting a small toolkit on a high shelf—probably forgotten by a handyman or something. I grabbed a screwdriver out of it, my hands shaking slightly with a swirling cocktail of raw nerves and sheer determination. One by one, I unscrewed the bolts securing the window, the sound of each screw hitting the floor echoing like a chime.

Finally, when the last screw came free, I pushed the window open, the cool night air brushing against my face and I nearly squealed in triumph.

Maxim wasn’t going to win this.

I was.

Peering out the open window, I spotted a vine-covered trellis clinging to the side of the mansion. It seemed almost too convenient, like a freaking ladder just waiting there for me to make my escape. Glancing down, I tried to estimate the distance to the ground—it wasn’t far, only the second story, completely manageable if I was extra careful.

Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I swung one leg over the windowsill, the cool metal of the frame biting gently into my skin. I reached out, grasping the thick vines with tentative hands. They felt sturdy and robust as they entwined tightly with the trellis. I swung my other leg over and began my descent, the leaves rustling softly under my touch.

The climb down was precarious, the vine leaves slippery as the trellis creaked ominously under my weight. I moved slowly, methodically, letting my bare feet find their holds while my hands maintained a firm grip. I tried not to hold my breath the entire time.

It wasn’t easy, but somehow, I managed.

Finally, my feet touched the earth, echoing with a soft thud that sounded thunderously loud in the silence of the night. I crouched low, catching my breath, my heart pounding not just from the climb but also from the thrill of escape.

I was free.

“Going somewhere, naughty girl?”

Oh, fuck…

Maxim’s voice sliced through the silence like a knife, low and unexpectedly close. I spun around, my heart leaping into my throat as I caught his stern gaze.

He leaned casually against the side of the house, his arms crossed with a completely unreadable expression on his face. I swallowed so hard that he probably heard it too.

He was undeniably handsome, his presence overwhelming in the quiet night. In the pale light, his features appeared sharper, with deep shadows accentuating his strong jaw and high cheekbones. His hair was tousled slightly, as if he’d run his hands through it in a fit of frustration or concern, probably over me.

The sight of him sent a wave of nervous arousal through me.

Caught right in the middle of my escape attempt, I felt a flush of embarrassment and a pang of fear. What would he do now? Would he be angry? Disappointed? The possibilities raced through my mind, each more unsettling than the last until my mind inevitably went to what had happened between us just last night.

Was I about to get another spanking?

My bottom clenched tight.

“I… I just needed some air,” I stammered, trying to sound way more composed than I actually felt. My voice trembled slightly, betraying my nervousness, and I couldn’t make it stop no matter how hard I tried.

Maxim pushed off from the wall and took a step toward me. His movement was fluid, almost predatory in its grace and my heart hammered even harder with a sudden surge of fresh panic.

“At midnight? Through a window?” he pressed, closing in on me, and I swallowed hard.

“I… was… just…” I began, but he shook his head.

“What did I tell you would happen if you tried to run from me again, little girl?”

My stomach felt like it dropped down to my toes. I wasn’t an idiot. I could read the insinuation in his tone.

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