Page 34 of Tame Me, Daddy

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This was going to be even bigger than I imagined.

Sergei and I stood together on the porch, silently watching as the convoy of SUVs slowly pulled away. The headlights cut through the twilight, casting long, flickering shadows across our faces as the vehicles made their slow retreat down the long drive. The low rumble of the engines faded into the evening, leaving a dense silence in their wake.

Once the lights had disappeared, Sergei turned to me, his expression grave. “We need to act quickly,” he stated, urgency lacing his voice.

I nodded, my jaw set firm. “Agreed. First, reinforce the perimeter. I want to double the guards at every entry point. No one gets in or out without thorough vetting.”

Sergei was already on his phone, issuing commands to our security team. When he was done, he turned back to me.

“I’ll have the new shifts set up within the hour. What about electronic surveillance?” he asked.

“Increase the frequency of patrols around the perimeter with drones,” I instructed. “I want real-time feeds on all potential blind spots. And tell Ivan to enhance our digital monitoring. I need more men on this.”

“And the internal security?” Sergei asked, his eyes briefly meeting mine as he looked back toward the mansion.

“Additional cameras in the common areas and sensors at all major access points inside. Also, let’s implement a new verification protocol for everyone entering the compound,” I instructed, my voice grim.

Sergei nodded, his fingers rapidly moving over his phone. “Consider it done.”

With his assurance, I turned and walked back into my home, and the only thing on my mind was Riley.

I’d hinted at the danger she was in this morning, but this was so much bigger than I had initially thought.

I had to find her. I needed to see that she was alright.

It was late, and the house was silent except for the soft hum of my security systems at work.

Turning the corner into the living room, I found her fast asleep on the couch, the glow from the TV bathing her peaceful face in soft light. The credits of some movie were rolling on the screen. I shut it off and then turned back to her.

She looked vulnerable and yet so serene.

So beautiful…

For a moment, I stood there, watching her sleep, overwhelmed by a wave of protectiveness and something much deeper that I hesitated to name. She stirred slightly, her brow furrowing as if sensing my presence, and then relaxed again. A small sigh escaped her lips and it pulled at something inside me.

My heartstrings unraveled just the tiniest bit and I struggled to tie them back together.

Carefully, I approached her and knelt beside the couch.

“Riley,” I whispered, but she didn’t wake. Not wanting to startle her, I decided it was best to let her sleep in a proper bed. Gently, I slid my arms under her, lifting her with ease. She murmured something incoherent, nuzzling my chest as I carried her up the stairs to her bedroom.

I hated how good she felt against me.

When I reached her room, I pushed the door open with my foot and moved toward the bed, laying her down with all the gentleness I could muster. I pulled the covers back and tucked her in as carefully as I could.

I stood there for a moment, watching her. Her face was relaxed, the stresses of the day smoothed away in sleep.

Unable to help myself, I reached for her and brushed her hair off her face. Then I leaned down and pressed my lips against the smooth skin of her forehead.

She didn’t move, but I noticed a very slight intake of breath and pulled away, afraid that I might have woken her.

But she slept on, her breathing steady and peaceful.

For a moment, I lingered before I told myself I needed to leave before I did something I regretted.

With one last look, I turned off the bedside lamp.

“Sleep well, Riley,” I murmured, my voice barely audible. I stalled at the doorway, feeling the pull to stay, to watch over her and protect her for the rest of my days. But with a reluctant sigh, I pulled myself away, closing the door softly behind me.

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