Page 21 of Tame Me, Daddy

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Without a word, I tugged her panties up and covered her bare, scorched ass. Her little squeal of embarrassment when the damp material of her underwear made contact with her skin sent a bolt of heat straight down to my cock and I inwardly cursed.

I just needed to make it a little longer.

Once I was safe in the vicinity of my own room, I’d take care of my need, but not before.

Not with her.

It had been years since I’d been with a woman. I’d had a few meaningless flings, but I’d stopped that long ago. For the most part, I could have any woman I wanted, but I wanted sex to mean something other than just a quick fuck to scratch an inch. It was more complicated than that.

I had my needs.

I just didn’t act on them.

I don’t know why Riley was triggering them so badly, but I’d ignore them for the time being.

Right now, she needed to be held and then I’d put her to bed and tuck her in.

When her underwear was back in place, I smoothed down the back of her skirt, scooped her up, and turned her over in my arms so that she was sitting in my lap.

Her body was shaking and trembling, but when she looked at me, her big, tear-filled blue eyes were clear and calm. She sniffled, and I wrapped my arms around her. Unexpectedly, she curled into my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck.

The gesture was so trusting, so innocent and pure that it took my breath away.

Fuck, how I wished I could give her what she needed.

How I craved to take what I needed…

Fuck me.

Her cheek rested against the hollow of my throat, and she nuzzled in.

The sensation of her body, warm and pliant against mine, was comforting in a way I hadn’t expected. The scent of her hair, a blend of vanilla and something floral, wafted up to me, and I breathed in deep, taking comfort in the aroma that was her.

Holding her felt right in a way that nothing had for a long time, her slight weight perfect against my protective frame.

As she clung to me, each breath she took seemed to sync with mine, her body trembling less with each passing moment. Her warmth, the softness of her embrace, it all felt dangerously perfect, dangerously right.

Her trust in me, her calmness in the midst of her incredible vulnerability—it pierced through the armor I wore daily, reaching places inside me I had buried a long time ago. She touched a piece of my heart that had died along with my wife.

Fuck, how I wished I could be what she needed, be the haven she sought.

But that was a line I couldn’t cross no matter how much I wanted to.

Taking her as mine wouldn’t be right.

“There’s a good girl. Let’s get you to bed,” I said softly, and her eyes widened as she chewed the pillowy cushion of her lower lip, and it took everything in me not to lean forward and kiss her.

Gently, I scooped her up from my lap, feeling her slight frame nestle instinctively into my arms as I stood. I moved to the head of the bed, her head resting softly on my shoulder, her breathing quiet and even against my neck.

Then I pulled back the covers with one hand while securely holding her with the other. With tender care, I laid her down on the soft mattress, her body curling slightly as she settled into the comfort of the bed. I noticed she flinched slightly when her ass brushed against the covers, but she did her best to cover it up.

It was adorable in a way that touched my heart, yet I’d never admit to it.

I pulled the blankets up, tucking her in tightly and brushing her dark burgundy hair back from her forehead.

“Now, sleep, sweet girl. You and I will talk in the morning about things, but I want you to get your rest,” I said softly, and she nodded, biting that delicious lip once more. She looked up at me through her long dark lashes, her rosy cheeks growing pinker in the soft light.

“Yes, sir,” she whispered, the musical cadence of her voice jumping straight to my dick.

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