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“Even if it can be proven that you were in California, people don’t care about the truth, Aurelio,” she said. “There will be people that will believe the video because their stupid or prefer sensationalism over facts.”

“He’s not going to release that tape, Savina,” I assured her. “He’d kick off a war that he doesn’t have enough firepower to fight.”

“Are you sure about that?”

Just then, my phone rang, and when I saw Nero’s name on the screen, I answered it. “What’s up?”

“Kasen’s gone into labor,” he announced, and four words had never sounded so fucking sweet. Maybe now he’d quit losing his fucking mind.

“Where are you guys now?”

“Leaving for the hospital,” he said. “I’ve already called ahead.”

“We’ll meet you there,” I told him.

“See you in a few.”

We hung up, then I looked back over at Savina. “Kasen’s in labor.”

For the first time in a long time, I saw a genuine smile reach across her beautiful face. “How exciting.”

“We need to-”

“I don’t belong there, Aurelio,” she said. “Even if Nero accepts me as yours, I’ve been gone a long time.” She shook her head. “I shouldn’t be there.”

Unfortunately, she was right. While Nero trusted me with his life, Kasen didn’t know Savina like that, and the birth of the next Sartori heir was one that needed a limited audience. Though security was going to be tight as fuck, the less people there, the better. It was an honor to be included, and Savina hadn’t earned that right yet.

“Promise me you’re going to get some rest?”

She nodded. “I promise.”

“I love you, Savina.”

“I know you do, Aurelio,” she replied. “I’m…I’m not going anywhere.”

A part of me wondered if I’d ever fully believe that again.

Chapter 38


Surprisingly enough, I’d slept through the night, never even feeling Aurelio getting into bed at whatever time that he’d gotten home last night. As soon as he’d left to go be with Nero, I’d thought about the meeting with Stewart, but then had promptly fallen asleep within minutes. While my mind had been awake, my body had finally had enough.

So, when I had woken up this morning, it’d been to find that Aurelio had finally gotten some clothes for me, and though his shirts were comfortable, it was nice to have options. Though the clothes were a bit expensive for my taste, I’d have plenty of time to do some actual shopping later.

I’d also woken up to breakfast, the news that Kasen had given Nero a healthy son, both mother and child were doing well, and that the rest of the organization was celebrating the good news, hopeful that Nero would quit acting unhinged.

Aurelio had also spent most of his day at Nero’s, catching him up to speed, but also doing his job. I was going to have to re-acquaint myself with the hours that he worked and remember that the man didn’t work in an office with a set schedule. While I wasn’t sure what all his job entailed now that he was Nero’s consigliere, I knew enough to know that Aurelio was a bit of everything for the organization, and he always would be. That was just the kind of man that he was.

“Are you ready?”

I nodded. “Yes.”

After discussing it with Nero, Aurelio had called Stewart to arrange the meeting in Quinquo Park. The place was beautiful during the day with lots of trees, ponds, and picnic benches, but during the night, it looked like a place that invited crime and atrocities against humanity. In all actuality, it was creepy as hell, but when you were a Sartori, you could roam the streets freely.

The ride to the park was a quiet one, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence. Aurelio had his thoughts on meeting with Stewart, and I had mine. While I wasn’t scared to meet Stewart, I did wonder what he could possibly want to talk about. He obviously wanted me in jail, so whatever this was, it had to be his way of making that happen.

“You think he’ll be wired up?” I asked as I stared out the window.

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