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She let out a sigh as she sat on the bed. “I did what I had to, Aurelio.”

The fucked-up thing was that I understood that. However, logic and emotion were not co-existing well together for me at the moment. Like that goddamn video, I couldn’t unsee her injuries, and even if she had managed to kill Ashton, another man had put his hands on what was mine, and that wasn’t something that I knew how to reconcile.

“That’s not how this works,” I bit out.

“How what works?”

“Us!” I roared, finally letting some of my anger out. “I avenge you! That’s my job as a man!”

Savina stood up from the bed. “I didn’t need avenging!” she yelled back. “I chose that life, Aurelio! I chose it!”

I ran my hands through my hair, then pulled. “Jesus fucking Christ,” I swore.

“Everything that happened was because I had allowed it,” she went on. “I had a choice to make, and I chose you. A million times, I’ll always choose you.”

Before I could say anything to that, my phone was ringing, and only because it was Morocco did I answer. “Provenza.”

“I have everything covered on this end, and I also have every incident that’s been recorded for the past two years,” Morocco said. “Ashton’s contract had a five-year surveillance vault, and he must have requested it because of all the high-profile people that came and went from his place.”

“Aren’t security monitoring companies supposed to report domestic abuse?” I asked, the very thought of them not doing so pissing me off more.

“Depends on the security company that you’re using,” he replied. “Besides, even if that were the law in all fifty states, without Savina filing a complaint, I can’t see many businesses going up against a US Congressman.”

“Can a lawyer subpoena the tapes?”

“All Savina has to do is take this to trial,” he huffed. “However, with all the shit that I found, Stewart Oliver would have to be a fucking idiot to go after her.”

“Well, since he ordered her arrest earlier, it’s safe to say that grief is making him stupid.”

“You got me there,” he retorted.

“And you’re positive that there’s no way to recover the feed from tonight?” While I didn’t doubt Morocco’s talents, I needed to protect Savina at all costs.

“You want to say that to my face,” he harrumphed.

“Keep me posted if you find anything else,” I said, instead of putting a bullet through his head for being disrespectful.

“Will do.”

As soon as I ended the call, I looked back over at Savina. Doing my best to get myself under control, I said, “I’m only going to tell you this once, and so help you God, you better fucking let it sink in.” She arched a brow at me, daring me to bring it on. “If you ever, and I do fucking mean ever, sneak away from your guard detail again, I will lock you in this goddamn room and never let you out.”

“You can’t do that,” she hissed.

“The fuck if I can’t,” I shot back. “Your life is here now, and we won’t be going through this a second time.”

“Going through what?”

“You fucking leaving me!” I thundered.

“That’s not fair!” she yelled back. “I asked you to go with me!”

“Even though you knew that I couldn’t!” I argued, something that we both knew was true.

Savina ran her hands down her face as she took in a shaky breath. “This…this arguing isn’t going to get us anywhere.”

“On that we agree,” I snapped.

Her blue eyes looked up at me. “What do you want me to say, Aurelio?” she asked, her voice sounding so damn tired. “That I regret leaving you? Of course, I regret that. Hell, if you want to know the truth, I regretted it almost immediately.”

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