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“Fine,” I murmur, taking him in.

Kyrian is a walking wet dream, drawing everyone’s gaze as he walks by, with that impressive physique, the bad boy tats, and that handsome face with just a hint of softness when he grins. His mouth is soft, in contrast to the sharp lines of his jaw and cheekbones.

Yeah, I’m so damn lucky. I met my alphas here at the Alpha Bet, and it’s a pleasure to catch glimpses of them during my shifts, you know? To be aware they’re close by. How many people can say that?

Sure, I know that not everyone wants to be around their mates all the time, but I like it. Is that weird?

Who cares? It’s my life, right?

So what if my mom and dad want grandchildren? So what if they’re upset I chose to be with two alpha males?

Too bad. They’ll get over it. They’re just acting all melodramatic every time I call, telling me how disappointed they are when all their cousins’ and neighbors’ houses are full of children laughing.

And shrieking, I remind them. Screaming. Weeping. Breaking things. Wreaking chaos. Using up your last drop of patience.

It doesn’t matter, they tell me. Children are a blessing.

I’m no saint, I reply. I can’t bless you. Better find happiness another way.

Basically, they’ve placed their bet for happiness on me, and I’m supposed to provide them with babies to play with.

Now, that is sad. They have each other. They love each other. Instead of pinning their hopes on me, they should get out and have fun, and…

A shadow is moving over my face and I jerk back, putting my cocktail shaker down. Then it sinks in that it’s Kyrian’s hand. He’s waving it in front of me. “What?”

“You spaced out on me. What’s up?”

“Nothing, I just…” I snort softly. “I met your pissy boyfriend at the library.”

“My what?”

“The café owner. That cute omega.”

“He’s not my boyfriend, pissy or otherwise,” he says. “He was at the library?”

“Yeah, you know. That place you hate?”

“I don’t… hate it.”

“But you don’t like it, either.”

“Too many books,” Kyrian grumbles.

“Yeah, yeah, I know, you don’t like books.”

I look up and catch… something odd flitting behind his pale eyes. Something vulnerable, like regret and longing. For what? Books?

I’m imagining things. Kyrian is your average Hulk-like alpha, with little interest in literature and the fine arts. Yeah, I know that’s an overgeneralization. Betas are also thought to only like sports and stupid TV shows. And don’t get me wrong. He’s brilliant. Amazing. Kind. Sexy.

But there’s this aversion he seems to have where letters are concerned. The written word. He even dislikes newspapers and magazines, brochures and flyers.

Even bills.

He hates reading. Says it strains his eyes and gives him headaches. But from the annoyance in his gaze when he talks about books, I get the impression he thinks they’re for pussies or something.

Which irks me. He doesn’t… feel like he’s that sort of man, to discriminate, consider anyone with prejudice. It doesn’t fit in with the Kyrian I know.

It’s been weighing on me. It hadn’t struck me as odd until recently. I guess he let down his guard around us and expresses himself more freely these days. I know people who think reading romances or fantasy is not a serious pastime, that spending time lost in the pages of a book is for lazy people, that if you insist on reading, you should only read the classics, or autobiographies of great personages.

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