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Because she’s ours.

Archer drives—he likes to drive us, in every sense of the word—and Kyrian rides shotgun. Through silent agreement, I’m the one sitting at the back with her, the beta, the least threatening male of the pack.

She’s quiet, fiddling with the zipper of her purse, lower lip drawn between her teeth. She has wiped her cheeks, but her eyes are still shining too bright.

And I don’t know what the fuck to say. It annoys the hell out of me. Here I am, beside her, after rescuing her from the evil club-lord—yeah, I read too much fantasy, sue me, Archer always says so—and I don’t know how to comfort her, how to reassure her.

How to broach the topic of the pack.

If I even should.

Probably not the best time.

Probably shouldn’t put my arm around her, either.

Think of a frightened animal, I tell myself. If she’s scared, tread softly. Give her space. Be kind.

Always be kind.

“Hey, Brinlee…” I start.

“You can call me Brin,” she whispers, still not looking at me.

“Brin. Can I hold your hand?”

That gets her attention. She glances at me, eyes wide. “Okay.”

So I take her small hand in mine. It’s cold and clammy. I don’t squeeze too hard. “Are you all right?”

She nods. Gives me a tiny smile. “Thanks.”

“No problem.” I turn the words around and around inside my head before I venture, “Do you trust us?” At her hesitation, I go on, “You don’t know us yet, fair enough. But you trust Sawyer, right?”

Another nod.

“Do you want us to try and find him?”

“No. He’s busy.”

“Is he, now?” I frown. “You’re shaking.”

“I’m cold.”

“Want me to hold you?” The words pour out of me, and shit, I’m pushing her again, but she scoots closer to me. “Okay.”

She curls up against me, small and shivering, and I’m hot and aching.

We drive like this for a while, in silence. Archer keeps shooting us looks through the rearview mirror. He’s driving in circles through the city center, allowing us time.

But eventually, the talk has to happen.

“I don’t want to take you home, leave you there alone,” I say softly. “If I invite you to stay over at our place, is that too much? I promise nothing will happen. You’ll have your room and a door that locks. We just want you safe and warm for the night.”

She murmurs something I don’t catch.

“And I’ll call Sawyer again. Maybe he can come over, too.” I frown. “He never answers my texts. It bugs me. The other night when he escorted you home, he was secretive. Wait… did something happen between you two?”

She draws back just a little, blushing hotly.

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