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“But I don’t want?—”

“You’ll do whatever he asks of you, is that clear? He’s a shareholder, and we want to keep him happy.”

Shareholder, my ass. Who knows what shady games my boss is playing?

“I’m not having sex with him.” I lift my chin, make my voice strong. “I won’t.”

“You’ll do whatever you’re asked to do, little doll. Don’t think I don’t know about your debts.”

Who told him? I told very few people about that. Betrayal hits me like a ton of bricks. Was it River?

“You’re doing as you’re told from now on,” my boss continues, “no more hiding behind your friends’ swagger. I am in charge here, and if you want to stay, then you follow my rules.”

Shit. He’s not giving me the boot. He’s giving me to his friends, as he’d planned last night, and if I refuse, then he’ll kick me out, fully aware I can’t afford to say no and lose this job.

I’m standing in front of him, trying to look taller than I am, all of five feet from head to toe, skyscraper heels and fluffy hair included, but he towers over me. Most men do, but in this case, I hate it. I hate how small he makes me feel. I hate that he enjoys looking down on me, letting his height intimidate me.

Fuck him. I won’t let him see how afraid I am right now.

“Go on,” he says. “He’s waiting for you at the back.”

My breath rattles. “What, now?”

“Yes, now! Get to it!”

With a huff, attempting to disguise my panic as annoyance and boredom so as not to give him more power over me, I turn to look toward the back. And there are three men, leering at me. Leering is a thing, I swear. They look slimy. And one of them actually mimics licking me.

A small sound escapes me, despite my resolve. I think I’m going to throw up.

Then an achingly familiar, deep voice says from behind me, “Brinlee! Sorry we’re late.”

I whirl back around to stare at the McGraw Pack.

“Sorry we arrived late,” Archer says, slightly out of breath. “We were trying to find Sawyer, but no luck. What’s going on here? Who are the assholes over there?”

“Mind your manners,” my boss grinds out. “Those are my friends and patrons of the club?—”

“They look like they’re waiting to sink their filthy fangs into her,” Roman mutters. “Nest of vipers, the whole lot. What the fuck did you promise them?”

“A private lap dance,” I whisper.

“The fuck,” Kyrian seethes. “That’s a fucking big no.”

“That’s not your call,” my boss bites out. “All three of you, out. You’re no longer welcome here.”

“Brinlee, you come with us,” Archer says.

My eyes burn. “I can’t,” I whisper. “I need this job, I need the money?—”

“You see? She doesn’t want your stupid machismo,” my boss says, full of glee. “Get off the grounds before I call the bouncers to throw you out.”

“Brinlee, dammit,” Archer says. “Check the note I gave you.”

“The note?” I blink at him. “You seriously want me to read a love note now?”

A dark chuckle escapes him. His blue eyes dance with mirth. “Yes. Read my love note right here and now. My heart won’t take another second of not knowing your reply.”

“You’re crazy,” I breathe.

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