Page 70 of Creed

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As she drove home, she couldn’t help but steal glances at the rearview mirror to make sure Creed was still following her. She laughed to herself because he didn’t really need to follow her; he knew where she lived.

When they arrived at her house, she parked in the driveway and watched as Creed parked behind her. As he strode toward her, she couldn’t help but admire his confident and commanding presence. He stopped in front of her, leaned down, and kissed her passionately. When she moaned, he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss.

Abbie took his hand and led him inside the house. They both removed their coats before Creed made it clear that the cat wasn’t welcome upstairs. Abbie chuckled. Hand in hand, they headed to the stairs together.

“After you,” Creed said with a gallant gesture.

“How about you go first?” Abbie countered playfully.

“No, besides, a man always lets a woman go first,” Creed insisted with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“Or maybe you just want to stare at my ass,” Abbie teased with a laugh.

Creed chuckled. “And maybe you just want to stare at mine.”

“Well, you do have a fine ass, Creed McBride,” Abbie admitted shamelessly.

“Go on,” he urged with a smirk.

“Yes, sir,” she replied playfully before walking up the stairs with Creed close behind. She paused halfway up and glanced back at him with a sly smile.

“Are you looking at my ass?”

“Well, hell yes, I am,” he replied with a low chuckle.

At the top of the stairs, Abbie turned to face him and kissed him deeply. Without breaking the kiss, she took his hand and led him into the bedroom. As Creed kicked the door closed behind them, he grinned when the cat gave him a dirty look and growled.


Creed entered the office and made his way to Dave’s office. He knocked firmly on the door before being waved in.

“Take a seat,” Dave said, gesturing to the chair across from his desk.

Creed sighed, bracing himself for a potential scolding. He sat down and waited for Dave to speak.


“Dave, I apologize for losing my temper the other day. But I won’t apologize for hitting Sanchez. If you want to reprimand me, go ahead.”

“You’re damn lucky I’m not.” Dave let out a heavy breath. “Look, I know you’re angry and you’re not alone in this. As of now, Sanchez is in jail until he can be transported to prison. There won’t be a trial because he’ll plead guilty.”

“I want that bastard put away.”

“Oh, he’s going away. But he made a deal—”

Creed jumped to his feet. “What kind of deal?”

“Life without parole. He could have easily gotten the death penalty. Don’t worry, he’s going to prison.”

Pacing back and forth, Creed muttered under his breath. “I should have hit him more than once.”

“I did not hear that. Do I need to give you another day off?”

Defeated, Creed sat back down with a heavy sigh. “No. I’m just so furious that one of our own betrayed us. He told Pedigo we would be there that night and he knew... he knew that Pedigo intended to kill us. I want to know why. Is Sanchez in the Clifton jail now?”

“Listen to me, you are not going there to talk to him. The last thing we need is for you to go in there recklessly trying to get information.”

“How can you just sit there and not want to make him pay?”

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