Page 7 of Creed

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Creed couldn’t help but smile at the man’s blunt hospitality. “I appreciate that.”

He removed his hat and stomped his boots on the welcome mat before entering the warm house.

“Would you like a cup of coffee?” Mr. Fields offered.

“If it’s not too much trouble, sir.”

“Not at all. Take your coat off and have a seat. It’ll just be a minute.”

“Thank you, sir.” Creed hung his coat and hat on hooks by the door before settling at the table.

“Here you go, son. That’ll warm you up.”

“Thanks.” Creed took a grateful sip of the hot liquid, feeling it spread warmth throughout his body. He set down his mug and watched as Mr. Fields poured himself a cup and joined him at the table.

“I certainly appreciate you coming out in this weather, Agent McBride.”

“It’s no trouble, and please, call me Creed.”

“I’m Art. I raise Herefords and I’m missing ten head. I don’t have a lot of land, just seventy-five acres, so we’re able to keep up with the headcount and ear tags.”

“How many do you have altogether?”

“Thirty right now, but I have five pregnant cows.”

“I see. Is your fence damaged?”

“No. Whoever stole them did it by simply opening the gate. They drove a truck in, loaded the cattle, and drove off. We followed the tire tracks as far as we could but they disappeared before the road, so we couldn’t see which direction they headed.” He shook his head in frustration. “I hate rustlers and I appreciate all MDOL does for ranchers and farmers, but those thieves don’t care who they hurt along the way.”

“No, sir, they don’t. I’ll head out there and see if I can find any clues. There’s been a lot of thefts reported in this area lately and we’re doing everything we can to put a stop to it.”

“I know you are. Maybe if the punishment for rustling went back to the old west, it wouldn’t happen as often.”

“Sometimes the old ways were the best. I’m sure knowing you’d be hanged for livestock theft would deter any man.” Creed grinned.

“I know it would make me think twice.” Mr. Fields laughed. “My granddaughter should be here in a few minutes. She can show you where the gate is.”

“I’d appreciate it. The only issue is that with all this snow lately, I might have trouble seeing anything.”

“Yes, I thought about that too. They took the cattle before the snow, but we still weren’t able to follow their tracks beyond the field’s end.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“That’s all I can ask of you.”

“Is there any chance you have them microchipped?”

“I do.”

“Good. I’ll get in touch with auction houses.”

The door opened and Creed watched as Abbie Wells entered the kitchen with a surprised expression upon seeing him. After freezing for a moment, she sighed and hung up her coat. She then approached her grandfather and kissed his cheek before turning to face Creed.

“Mr. McBride,” she said.

“Ms. Wells.” He nodded.

“You two know each other?”

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