Page 55 of Creed

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“She doesn’t miss much,” Lorna said with a smile.

“Little pitchers have big ears.” Abbie laughed.

“God, that’s the truth. She hears a lot she shouldn’t.”

After lunch, they parted ways with promises to talk soon. Abbie hugged them, then walked to her vehicle and pulled out of the lot. She planned to go home, but went to see her parents instead. It had been a while and she made it a point to see them as much as she could. At least it would keep her mind off Creed McBride.


Creed sat in the truck with Agent Doyle, their eyes fixed on the house before them. He had a pair of binoculars pressed to his eyes, scanning every inch of the property.

“The place looks deserted,” he remarked.

“They’re in there,” Doyle assured him.

“You’re positive?”

“Agent McBride, you can trust me.”

“I do. It’s just that I want them caught so badly, I can feel it in my bones.”

“I know the feeling. But we have to make sure they’re all together before making our move. My informant said Cartwright was meeting Pedigo here at this specific address. We have to be patient.”

“Hell, Agent Doyle, patience ran dry for me a long time ago.”

“I understand, and please, call me Killian.”

“Killian Doyle. That’s about as Irish as it gets.”

“Both my parents were born in Ireland, then moved to the states.” Killian grinned.

“I have no idea what the hell my heritage is.” Creed chuckled, earning a laugh from Killian.

“McBride is an Irish name, though.”

“I figured that much, but don’t know the lineage of it. Any family?”

“My parents live in Butte and my brother lives in Helena. He’s also MDOL.”

“Are you married?”

“No. Never have been. I’ve been too busy at my job.” Killian shrugged.

“Yeah, I get that. Is your brother older or younger?”

Killian grinned. “Kian’s older… by three minutes.”

Creed looked at him and grinned. “Twins?”

“Yep, fraternal. You can tell we’re brothers but you wouldn’t know we’re twins.”

Creed chuckled, then peered through the binoculars once again before sitting up straight.

“Someone just came out of the house.”

Killian also looked through his binoculars.

“That’s Cartwright, and another man is following him.”

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