Page 45 of Creed

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The sun shone down on a cold Monday morning when Creed entered the department, his determination evident in every step he took. He headed straight to Dave’s office, his knuckles tapping eagerly on the glass door. Dave looked up from his desk and waved him in, tossing his glasses down onto the wooden surface with a careless gesture.

“What’s up?” Dave asked as Creed sat in the chair facing his desk, his steely gaze never faltering.

“I remember everything,” Creed said, his voice thick with emotion.

Dave leaned forward, his expression one of intense interest. “Everything?”

“Yes. From arriving at the scene to seeing the men shot and me being brutally beaten,” he growled out.

“I’m sorry you had to go through that Creed, but maybe now, we’ll finally get somewhere.”

“I want them, Dave. More than any other thief I’ve been after. I want those bastards for what they did to Mac and the rest of us.”

“We all do. Is there anything you can tell me?” Dave asked.

“I’d know them if I saw them again. One of them called the other by the name of Bill.”

“That’s a start. Let’s dive into some older files and see if you recognize any of them, and let’s keep this between us, along with Alex and Eli. No one else needs to know yet.”

Creed stood up, nodded, then walked out of the office and headed to his desk. He pulled out his chair and sat down, fingers hovering over the keyboard as he prepared himself mentally for what he was about to do. He stared at the computer screen for a moment before taking a deep breath and opening up older files filled with photos of rustlers from past cases.

“You okay, Creed?” Alex asked him as he approached.

Creed glanced up at him. “My memory came back. I’m looking to see if I recognize any of them.”

“Did you see their faces?” Alex pressed, his own anger at the situation palpable.

“Two of them and one was called Bill, so I’m scouring these files to see if anything clicks for me.”

“Damn, I hope so. It would be great to finally bring them in and make them pay.”

Creed looked up at him, clenching his jaw as he thought of the men responsible for the pain and suffering of his team. “I’m not going to stop looking until I find them.”

“I can only imagine how difficult these memories are for you. It had to be so hard on you when they came back,” Alex said sympathetically.

Creed blew out a breath and shook his head, his mind flashing back to the moment when he saw his teammates fall.

“I saw each of you fall. I thought you were all dead.”

“I know I thought I was for sure.”

“When I saw Mac fall, I knew they were using armor piercing bullets, and I saw that son of a bitch who shot him.” Creed shook his head. “I knew he was gone before he hit the ground, then I saw you holding your jaw where you were grazed, then you fell too. Eli was running toward Mac when he was shot. I ran for cover while shooting, but they got me. Once I was down, they beat me.” Creed clenched his jaw. “They stood me up, and one sadistic bastard cut me with his knife. I was able to call for backup before that, but those pricks didn’t care. Not until they heard the sirens. They all ran except the one who had cut me. He stood over me and shot me in the back, then he ran. But before that, they said they were going to make sure we were all dead. I want them so bad I can taste it.”

“I hope this leads somewhere. It’s been three years and I wonder how many people they’ve hurt since.” Alex sighed. “Hell, I still have nightmares but Dylan helps me with those.”

“I’m sure that night will haunt all of us. I kept wanting my memory to return so I could have closure, but now that it has…” He sighed. “The nightmares are worse.”

“Well, maybe once we catch them, the nightmares will end for all of us.”

“I hope so.” Creed looked at him. “I’m glad you and Eli survived. I hate it that Mac didn’t. It’s like living his death all over again, and this time I see how he died.”

“I’m sorry, man. If you need any help, let me know.”

“Keep this to yourself Alex. If there is a leak in the department, we don’t want them to know about my memory.”

“Not a problem. I want whoever is the leak as bad as I want the men responsible. I’m headed out to a farm in Hartland. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Alright, Alex.”

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