Page 42 of Creed

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“I called for backup,” Creed gasped out.

“He’s bluffing. Let’s move.”

“We can’t take that chance, Bill.”

“Damn, don’t use any names.”

“Don’t worry about that. After we finish with this one, we’ll make sure they’re all dead.”

With a vicious kick to the head, followed by a brutal flurry of punches to his face that shattered his nose, Creed defiantly spat out blood. His assailants showed no mercy as they beat him mercilessly until one produced a gleaming knife, its blade glinting ominously in the moonlight.

“Get him to his feet. You’re going down with your friends, pretty boy,” the man taunted.

“Fuck you,” Creed retorted as he tasted the metallic tang of blood.

As the blade traced a path from his cheek, splitting his skin open, Creed clenched his teeth against the intense pain. The warm trickle of blood down his face served as a grim reminder of his perilous situation. Yet, he refused to give them the satisfaction of hearing his anguish.

The distant wail of sirens pierced the chaotic scene, causing the assailants to abandon their prey. However, one lingered behind, taking aim at Creed with deadly intent. A gunshot echoed through the air, making Creed grunt as he lay sprawled on the ground, his life ebbing away with each passing moment. In that harrowing instant, he braced for what seemed an inevitable end to his struggle.

But just then, a sudden commotion erupted from the nearby foliage, drawing the attention of both Creed and his assailant. The sound of hurried footsteps approached rapidly, and before anyone could react, figures emerged from the shadows; saviors or perhaps more foes in disguise.

With renewed hope coursing through his battered body, Creed mustered whatever strength remained within him and prepared for yet another twist in this lethal dance of life and death.

As he struggled to breathe, he knew he was bleeding out. Every inch of his body screaming out in pain as he lost consciousness…

Creed’s eyes snapped open, his body jolting upright in bed. His heart beat wildly in his chest, the remnants of the nightmare still clinging to him like a heavy fog. He gasped for air, struggling to shake off the dark images that had consumed him. Quivering with fear, he swung his legs over the edge of the mattress and sat there, trying to steady himself. Abbie stirred beside him, her arms immediately wrapping around his waist in a comforting embrace.

“What is it?” she murmured softly, her chin resting on his shoulder.

“I remember,” Creed croaked out, then cleared his throat.

“The events of that night?”

“The images... I can see them all falling as they were shot. I remember thinking they were all dead. I tried to fight back but they got me too.” He shook his head, trying to dispel the haunting memories. “It’s all flooding back.”

“Creed, baby, try to relax. Let me get you some water.”

Abbie left the room and returned within moments and handed him a bottle of water. He took it but didn’t open it as he stared at the floor. The memories continued to plague him, rendering him powerless against their relentless assault.

“Drink it,” Abbie whispered.

He twisted off the cap and took a long swig before setting the bottle down on the nightstand. He clasped his hands together tightly to stop their shaking as the memories rushed at him like an unstoppable train. Abbie placed her hands over his and he was grateful for her unwavering support.

“I can see those men,” he said hoarsely. “I can make out their faces. One even mentioned another’s name... Bill.” He shook his head in disbelief. “They were merciless.”

“I’m so sorry,” Abbie said, placing her head on his shoulder.

“Be careful what you wish for, right?”

“Maybe you can help solve the case. That would bring closure for you all,” she suggested, kissing his cheek.

“Yeah, I hope so. I’ll talk to Dave on Monday. Maybe then these damn nightmares will finally stop.”

“I hope so. Come on, let’s get back in bed and try to get some sleep.”

Creed nodded and stood up, sliding back under the blankets. Abbie lay down beside him and draped her arm across his waist. She didn’t need to say anything; her mere presence was enough to provide him with comfort and solace.


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