Page 32 of Creed

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She waved at Mrs. Smith before bursting into laughter as she saw the curtains swiftly close. She pushed the door closed, leaned back against it, and let out a contented sigh.

After locking the door, she climbed upstairs to her bedroom and crawled into bed. Pulling Creed’s pillow close to her, she breathed in his aftershave.

A smile stayed plastered on her face. It was hard to believe that she initially disliked him when they first met. If only she had known then what she knew now, she would have pounced on him.

Turning off the bedside lamp, Abbie closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep with a satisfied smile on her face.

Monday morning, Abbie entered the hospital to begin her day. She hadn’t stopped smiling since yesterday. She’d been hoping to tell Lorna about her night with Creed but after sending her a text, she didn’t hear back from her. She hoped everything was all right. Lorna usually responded quickly.

She’d try again on her break but for now, she checked on patients in the rooms waiting to see a doctor.

At lunchtime, she was starving since she missed her break. They’d been busy all morning with minor things but she rarely had a chance to breathe, let alone grabbing a quick snack. She let the other nurses know she was going to lunch and headed for the cafeteria.

As she sat at the table, she sent another text to Lorna. She hoped she heard back from her this time. She smiled when the phone vibrated and looked to see a text from her friend.

Sorry I didn’t respond. Eli and I went away for the weekend alone and I didn’t even turn my phone on.

I was so excited to tell you something and you go away!

What is it?

Creed and I had sex.

OMG! How was it?

Amazing. Incredible. Toe-curling. I screamed!

She burst out laughing when Lorna sent a screaming emoji face next to an eggplant, which most people used to symbolize a penis. She glanced around to see some people staring at her. She shrugged and got back to her phone.

I’m so happy for you. See? It wasn’t you. All it takes is the right man.

So true. Let’s have lunch one day. I have to get back to work. Love you!

Love you back!

Abbie smiled as she put the phone back into her pocket, finished her salad, then returned to work. The weekend could not get here soon enough.


Creed rapped his knuckles on the glass door of Dave’s office, waiting for his boss to wave him inside. He took a deep breath before stepping into the room and settling into a chair, facing Dave.

“I think my memory is coming back,” he began, his voice filled with a mixture of hope and trepidation.

Dave set down his pen, folded his arms across his chest, and raised an eyebrow in interest.

“Have you remembered something?” he asked, leaning forward in his seat.

Creed nodded, feeling a knot form in his stomach as he recounted the recurring dream that had been plaguing him. “Every time, it’s the same thing. I keep hoping it will lead to more but it never does.”

Dave’s expression remained unreadable as he listened to Creed’s words. “Don’t push this, Creed. Let it come naturally. You can’t force yourself to remember.”

Creed huffed in frustration. “I know, but it’s maddening not knowing what happened to me that night.”

“Have you talked to your therapist about this?” Dave asked, concern evident in his tone.

“No,” replied Creed. “I haven’t seen her in over a year. But she did tell me to reach out if I ever needed anything.”

“I think you should give her a call. She may be able to help guide you through this process,” Dave suggested with a shrug. “I’m no expert on trauma and memory retrieval.”

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