Page 25 of Creed

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“I know, Mom, but I do want to know. Everyone thinks it’s a blessing not knowing but I’m not sure about that. I could remember something about those men.”

His parents said no more about it, but he knew they’d support him in anything he came up against. Memories and all.

Once he finished eating lunch, he left after hugging his parents, then drove back to the office. He wanted to give Abbie a call soon, but he had a lot to do when he got back. He knew he’d get with her soon, and he was looking forward to it.


Abbie’s feet pounded against the linoleum floor, her sneakers squeaking with each hurried step. She darted past nurses and doctors, all rushing toward the open doors of the hospital entrance. The sound of ambulance sirens blared in the distance, signaling another emergency. The snow was falling heavily, creating treacherous driving conditions, making it no surprise that there had been a four-car accident.

As she followed one stretcher into a room, Abbie could feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins. She swiftly assisted the doctor in stabilizing the patient, her hands moving with practiced precision as she worked to help the patient.

When her shift finally ended, Abbie felt drained and exhausted. The thought of more accidents due to the inclement weather loomed in her mind, but thankfully, no one had suffered serious enough injuries to be admitted.

The drive home was slow and cautious, as the snow had now turned to ice. Abbie let out a sigh of relief when she finally pulled into her driveway. As she shut off the engine, she watched ice bounce off her the hood.

As soon as she stepped out of the car, she was met with a gust of ice and snow stinging her face. Braving the icy wind and biting cold, Abbie quickly made her way to the front porch and fumbled with her keys to unlock the door. She hurriedly stepped inside, hung up her coat and hat before heading to the kitchen.

“Oakley?” Abbie called out for her cat.

But there was no sign of Oakley. Shrugging it off, Abbie grabbed a can from the pantry and opened it for Oakley’s dinner. Still no sign of the cat.

Frowning, Abbie headed upstairs to change out of her scrubs. To her surprise, Oakley was lying on top of her bed, staring at her with piercing green eyes.

“Don’t give me that look,” Abbie scolded. “I put food in your dish, and you have fresh water. You can be such a diva.” But her words were met with a low growl from Oakley. “Your growls do not scare me.”

After changing into comfortable clothes, Abbie returned downstairs to find something to eat. The clock on the kitchen wall read almost eight, and she couldn’t help but yawn as she opened the freezer to see what she could whip up quickly.

Just as she was about to start cooking, her phone rang from the living room. She hastily closed the freezer door and answered it, smiling when she saw Creed’s name on the screen.

“Hi,” she greeted him warmly.

“Are you home?” he asked.

“Yes, just got here. Are you?”

“On my way. The roads are really bad.”

“I know, and now there’s ice mixing in too. Please be careful.”

“I will. I’m almost there. Let’s hope it clears up by Saturday.”


“Eli mentioned getting together for dinner. I told him we had plans for Saturday, but I’d check with you about maybe meeting on Friday.”

“That sounds great, as long as the weather cooperates.”

“We’ll hope for the best. Okay, I better go sweetheart. Need to concentrate on driving.”

“Okay, text me when you get home so I won’t worry.”

“You’d worry about me?” Creed teased.

Abbie laughed at his playful tone. “Of course I would, so just send me a text.”

“Yes ma’am. Talk to you soon.”

“Bye.” Abbie hung up and placed her phone on the counter before returning to the task of finding something to eat.

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