Page 22 of Creed

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“Exactly. If Creed does regain his memory, he’ll remember seeing all those men being shot before the rustlers got to him. He was completely alone.” Abbie shook her head.

“It’s heartbreaking. I understand wanting to remember, but at the same time, I’d be afraid of what those memories would bring.”

As they ate their delicious lunches, they chatted about getting together for dinner one night. Abbie’s heart fluttered with excitement at the thought of seeing Creed again, and she prayed that he felt the same way. She let out a heavy sigh.

“What was that for?” Lorna asked.

“I’m just so scared to have... s-e-x with him,” Abbie admitted nervously, glancing over at Lily who was eating her fries.

Lorna nodded understandingly. “I’m sure I would have been the same way with Eli.” She shrugged nonchalantly. “But, it just happened and it was nothing short of amazing.”

“But what if it’s not?” Abbie voiced her fears.

“Then move on. Don’t settle for bad sex,” Lorna advised firmly.

“Mama, what’s sex?” Lily piped up innocently, causing several patrons to turn their heads toward their table.

Abbie quickly covered her mouth to stifle her laughter while Lorna’s cheeks turned bright red.

“Um, you’ll learn about it when you’re older,” Lorna replied awkwardly.

“We have to remember she hears everything we say,” Abbie reminded Lorna with a laugh.

Lorna chuckled in agreement. “She even asked me what I was screaming about the other night.”

“Oh my God!” Abbie couldn’t contain her amusement, tears rolling down her face as she tried to calm herself down. “I have never had sex good enough to make me scream.”

“As much as I hate to admit it, I never did with Mac either. But with Eli... oh my, almost every time,” Lorna boasted with a satisfied grin.

“I hate you,” Abbie teased playfully.

“That’s how sex should be. You shouldn’t just tolerate it; it should be enjoyable for both partners,” Lorna emphasized, placing a comforting hand on Abbie’s arm.

“I know, I know. I love my romance novels, but every time the woman screams during sex, I can’t help but shake my head. I’ve never had an orgasm that intense,” Abbie confessed with a hint of envy in her voice.

“I love it,” Lorna said with a playful wink.

“Ugh, it’s not fair,” Abbie groaned.

“Remember, a man cannot just be in it for himself. Women enjoy sex too and it should be just as satisfying for us as it is for men,” Lorna reminded her.

“Do you know how many times I faked it with Jeremy?” Abbie asked rhetorically.

Lorna smirked knowingly. “A real man would know when you’re faking it.”

“I’ve heard that before, but apparently Jeremy couldn’t tell and if by some chance, he did, he didn’t care. He’d finish before I even got started,” Abbie admitted with frustration.

“Oh God, please don’t tell me he asked ‘how was it for you’ afterwards.” Lorna cringed.

Abbie burst out laughing. “Close. It was more like ‘was it good for you, babe?’ and every time I wanted to say ‘no, it wasn’t. And stop calling me babe.’ I detest that.”

Lorna joined in on the laughter. “I know you do, but some women love it. Eli calls me ‘baby’ and I love it.”

“You need to stop because I am seriously starting to hate you right now,” Abbie joked, feeling grateful for her friend’s support and guidance.

After lunch, they parted ways with a promise to get together for dinner. Abbie told Lorna to talk to Eli about it and she’d ask Creed. She figured since Eli and Creed knew each other; it would be fun.


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