Page 2 of Creed

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“Just leave me alone, Mr. Creed.”

“It’s McBride actually. My first name is Creed, and how do you even know my name?”

“I overheard Junior calling you Creed.”

“Well, aren’t you a nosy little thing?”

Abbie gasped. “You are the rudest man I have ever met.”

“No doubt there.” He tipped his hat and grabbed the bag of dog food before walking off toward the loading docks.

Despite his unpleasant personality, Abbie couldn’t help but think he was incredibly attractive. But why? Why did she find him so irresistible?

Sighing heavily, Abbie placed the hat back on the shelf and continued browsing the store. The PA system announced her order was ready, so she headed to the back to collect it from the loading docks. She gasped as she saw heavy snow falling outside.

“It’s going to get bad,” the young man loading her SUV warned.

“I should probably head home then.”

“Yes ma’am. Which way are you going?”

“Toward Spring City.”

“Sorry to say, there’s a major accident out that way. Traffic is backed up for miles.”

“Well damn. I guess I’ll stick around in town a little longer.”

“That’s probably for the best. The weather forecast doesn’t mention any ice, so your four-wheel drive should handle it fine.”

“Thank you,” she said gratefully as he closed the hatch and smiled at her.

“You’re welcome. Drive safe now.”

After climbing into her SUV and starting it, Abbie made her way out of the parking lot. She mentally groaned at the sight of snow covering the roads. It wasn’t her driving skills she was worried about, but rather the other drivers on the road. She knew how to navigate through snow, but she certainly didn’t enjoy it.

Feeling hungry, Abbie headed to the local diner for a meal and some time to kill. When she entered the diner, she saw Creed McBride a few stools down from her at the counter.

“Are you following me?” he asked.

“You wish,” she quipped, rolling her eyes as butterflies fluttered in her stomach at his chuckle.

“Hey there, Creed. How are you doing, hon?” Connie, the owner of the diner, asked as she poured him a cup of coffee.

“I’m doing just fine, Connie. How about you?”

“Wonderful. Are you ready for spring to get here?”

“Yes, ma’am. What about you and Owen?”

“We are. We love the holidays, but once we’re past January, we’re ready for warmer weather.” Connie turned to stand in front of Abbie. “Hi Abbie, what can I get for you today?”

“Just my usual and a hot tea, please.”

“No problem, hon. I’ll bring your order right over.” Abbie watched as Connie stopped in front of Creed again. “I’ll bring your order over too, Creed.”

“Yes, ma’am. Thank you.” He looked at her and smirked. “So, you know my name. What’s yours?”

“Abbie Wells.”

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