Page 3 of Her Scarred Heart

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“Do you know that female?” I ask Riley, watching her disappearing form.

“Sorry, no,” Riley says, holding her hands out to take back Nadiya. “There are too many new people to keep up with. I don’t have a clue.”

“Hmm,” I muse, staring down the empty hallway.

The female ran away so quickly that she left the bucket and cleaning supplies behind. I crouch and gather them up for her.

“Do you?” Riley asks.

“Do I?”

My thoughts are scattered. There is a strange warmth deep in my guts. It’s a sensation I’ve never felt before and I’m not quite sure what to make of it. Something about that female. The way she looked at me when our eyes met for that one, all too brief moment. It was as if a connection was made in that instant, but then she ran before I could realize what was happening.

“Know her?” Riley prods, shifting Nadiya from one hip to the other.

Nadiya coos and grasps the air between us, wishing to come back to me. I bend over and touch her nose making a boop sound as I do which makes her giggle, but she manages to get a handful of my hair. When I try to rise, she has her fist knotted into it and pulls me up short. This makes her giggle even harder.

“Ouch,” I say.

“Nadiya, let go,” Riley says, uncurling Nadiya’s fingers one at a time until I am free.

“Strong,” I say.

“Strong, determined, yes, yes,” Riley says exasperation in her voice. “And a lot to handle. But you can’t dodge the question that easily. Do you know her?”

I look over my shoulder where the female disappeared.

“Not yet,” I say. “But I will.”

“Oh…” Riley says, trailing off the last syllable. “You think?”

I shrug. “Perhaps. Tajss will tell me when the time is right.”

“Okay, well I have to go,” Riley says. “Thanks for your help.”

“Anytime,” I say, walking in the opposite direction.

As I travel the corridors of the human ship I contemplate the female, Kai. What a simple, beautiful name, only matched by her beauty. The light in her eyes was so bright it was as if her soul shined out, a sun contained inside her flesh.

I must get to know her, but how? I know her name, that’s a start. None of the females that came from the jungle with us will be likely to know her. Hmm, I know who to ask. Captain Nyanna will know her. She knows everyone. These are, after all, her people.

I will find Kai again. The ship is not that large. In truth, I am surprised I haven’t seen her before today. But now that I have seen her I cannot get her out of my thoughts. I should get her a gift. Something pleasing, welcoming, a good introduction. Something that says I wish to know you better.

What does one get a human? Ziva will know. Ziva is good with such matters, probably the best of the females.

I store the supplies. Now that I have a plan, I set off to find Ziva.



I’m drawn from sleep by building discomfort. A whimper slips as I force my eyes open. Rubbing the side of my face I try to ease the spasming muscles. Digging my fingers into the point behind my jaw helps, some.

As the spasms pass I focus on my breathing while sleep recedes from my tired mind. Another day. Another long, pointless, endless day in the ongoing march of days that serve no purpose.

I pull the covers off and swing my legs over the edge, resting my arms on my legs while keeping my head bowed. My hair is lank but I can go a few more days before it needs washing. It’s not like I want anyone looking at me anyway.

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