Page 42 of Biker B!tch

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I nodded, my respect for her growing even more. "Damn right we are."

“I don’t want to kill him or anything, but he has to sign these divorce papers and leave me the hell alone.”

“Agreed. And then we call the cops, and you press charges for kidnapping.”

Tank nodded her agreement. We had discussed it and figured it would be better to have him answer for his crimes. We knew it was like putting a band-aid on a bullet wound, but if anything happened to Jeff, Tank would be the first suspect.

As the sun went down, we got ready for the showdown. The warehouse, standing in the distance, served as a reminder of the impending danger. We parked a short distance away, moving in quietly to avoid detection. The plan was simple. Get in, take out Jeff and his goons, and get out.

Despite her injuries, Tank led the way, her eyes sharp and focused. We moved through the shadows, our footsteps silent. As we approached the main room, we could hear voices. Jeff and buddies, arguing about Tank’s escape, but also laughing, seemingly making more sinister plans. They had no idea what was coming.

Tank signaled for us to spread out, each of us taking up positions around the room. She drew in a deep breath, then stepped forward, her voice ringing out with authority. "Jeff! Your time's up."

The moment Tank's words echoed through the room, the laughter and idle chatter ceased. Every head turned towards her, eyes widening in shock and then narrowing in anger. Jeff, recognizing the woman he thought he'd broken, snarled and reached for his gun.

"You should have stayed down, bitch," he spat, fury contorting his face.

But he didn't get a chance to act. The Slayers and the Hell on Heelz were a well-oiled machine, moving in with precision. Bull, Lynx, and the others took down Jeff's guys in a matter of seconds. The room erupted into chaos, but it was a controlled chaos, our chaos.

I saw Bull grab one of Jeff’s goons, slamming him into the wall with enough force to knock the air out of him. Lynx was a blur, his fists a deadly dance as he took down another. The sounds of flesh meeting flesh, grunts of pain, and the clattering of falling bodies filled the warehouse.

Tank and I moved towards Jeff, our steps in sync, a united front as the Heelz surrounded us. He swung his gun towards us, but I was quicker, knocking the weapon from his hand with a swift, precise strike. Tank moved in with a devastating blow, causing him to bend forward in pain.

Jeff’s eyes were wide with fear. "You won't get away with this," he gasped, struggling to catch his breath.

"We already have," Tank shot back, her voice a deep, threatening growl. "This is for everything you've done to me."

Together, we disarmed Jeff completely, binding his wrists with zip ties. He struggled, but Tank and I were ruthless, ensuring he had no chance of escape.

One of the other men lunged at Tank, a knife glinting in his hand. Her sister Razor intercepted him, twisting his arm until the blade clattered to the ground. With a swift, brutal motion, she knocked him out cold.

Jeff, still on his knees, looked up at Tank with hatred burning within him. "You think this changes anything? You're still a piece of shit, just like you always were."

Tank bent down to his level, her expression cold and unyielding. "No, Jeff. This changes everything. You're done. Your reign over me is over. You’ll sign these papers if you want to leave here with your life."

She put a pen in his hand and held the papers for him. The man scribbled his name. With that, she stood up, turning her back on him. I could see the satisfaction in her eyes, the weight of years of abuse and fear lifting from her shoulders.

We left the warehouse, leaving Jeff and his new buddies behind, their fate sealed as Bull got on the phone to the fuzz.

"Boiler," Tank said softly, looking up at me. "Thank you. For helping with Jeff."

I pulled her close, feeling her warmth against me. "Always, Tank. I'll always stand by you."

Back at the clubhouse, the brothers celebrated our victory. Tank and I shared a quiet moment, our bond even stronger after the ordeal.

"We did it," she said, her eyes shining with pride.

"Yeah, we did," I replied, holding her close. "And this means you’re officially up for grabs."

“Boiler, don’t get any ideas.”

Chapter 24


The days that followed my rescue were a blur of pain and recovery. The physical wounds were bad enough. Beyond the cuts and bruises, I found out I had a broken back. Nothing too serious that a few months in a brace wouldn’t heal, but the emotional scars ran even deeper. The few days Jeff had me were a living hell.

I was grateful for Boiler and Max, who stayed by my side through it all. They were the lifeline that prevented me from going over the edge.

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