Page 40 of Biker B!tch

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I nodded, appreciating the gesture. As Smoke played, I let the music wash over me, thinking about everything that had brought me to this moment. My past in the Army, the brothers I’d lost, the woman who’d walked away. But also the family I’d found in the Slayers, and the woman who was quickly becoming more than just an enemy.

Eventually, I made a decision. I wasn't going to sit around and wait any longer. I had to find Tank, no matter what it took. I stood up, determination fueling my every move. I was determined to find her, and I wasn't going to give up until I did.

The next morning, I took Max to Lisa for an extended visit, telling her it could be a few days. Then I gathered a few of my brothers and we set out to search for Tank. We combed through the town, checking every place she might have gone. We questioned people, followed leads, but every trail seemed to go cold.

I couldn’t help but think about Sarah and how she had left without a word. The idea of Tank running off made my heart ache. But deep down, I knew Tank was different. She wouldn’t just leave without a reason.

As we searched, I thought about all the moments we had shared. The passion, the fights, the tenderness. I couldn’t lose her. Not now. Not ever.

We spent the entire day searching, but by nightfall, we were no closer to finding her. Exhausted and frustrated, we returned to the clubhouse. I crashed on the couch, totally fixated on Tank.

The more the hours went by, the stronger my gut feeling became that something was terribly amiss. I had to find her. I had to bring her back. I closed my eyes, trying to block out the fear and worry, but sleep didn’t come.

The next day, I was back at it again, searching every corner of the town. I was relentless, driven by the need to find Tank. I wouldn’t stop until she was back in my arms, safe and sound.

Chapter 23


The third day of our search dawned with a heavy sense of desperation. I hadn't slept much, my mind plagued with thoughts of Tank. Every minute she was missing felt like an eternity, and the fear of what might be happening to her gnawed at my insides. Just as I was about to set out for another round of fruitless searching, my phone buzzed. It was Bull.

"Boiler, we got a lead," Bull said, his voice urgent. "That warehouse on the outskirts of town. It's known for some shady shit. Rip found Viper’s killers there. Might be worth checking out."

The mention of Viper’s murder had me so worried, my heart beating a mile a minute. It was a long shot, but it was the only lead we had. I couldn't afford to waste any time.

"I'll rally the brothers," I replied, already grabbing my gear. "Meet you there in twenty."

The Slayers were ready in minutes. We rode out in a thunderous convoy, engines roaring as we tore through the streets. The warehouse was just up ahead, a creepy old building on the edge of town. It was the type of place where bad things went down.

As we got closer, I gave a signal for the guys to spread out and surround the building. Each beat of my heart reminded me of what was at stake. I had to find her. I had no other option.

We stormed the warehouse, splitting up to cover more ground. The place was a maze of dark, grimy corridors and rooms filled with junk and debris. Every door we kicked open, every corner we turned, I half expected to find Tank, hoping and fearing what I might see.

The warehouse was eerily quiet, the only sounds our footsteps and the distant hum of electricity. The deeper we went, the more oppressive the atmosphere became. It felt like the walls were closing in, the darkness pressing down on us.

Suddenly, Bull's voice crackled over the radio. "Boiler, we found something. Back room, north side."

My heart leapt into my throat. I sprinted down the corridor, the walls a blur as I raced toward the north side. I burst into the room, and there she was.

Tank was tied to a chair, her body slumped forward, cuts and bruises marring her beautiful skin. The sight of her like that nearly broke me. But she was alive. That was all that mattered.

"Tank," I whispered, rushing to her side. I quickly cut the ropes binding her, my hands shaking. She gazed up at me, her eyes filled with painful tears.

"Boiler," she murmured, her voice weak. "I knew you'd come."

I pulled her into my arms, holding her close. "I thought I'd lost you," I said, my voice choked with emotion.

She leaned against me, her strength returning slowly. "I'm okay now. Thanks to you."

We had to move quickly. The warehouse wasn't safe, and we didn't know if anyone else was lurking around. I signaled to Bull and the others to keep watch as I helped Tank to her feet.

"Can you walk?" I asked, my arm supporting her.

She nodded, though her legs trembled. "Yeah. Just get me out of here."

Swooping her up, I carried her out of the warehouse. The fresh air seemed to erase the suffocating darkness inside. The brothers formed a protective circle around us as we headed for the bikes.

Back at the clubhouse, we tended to Tank's wounds. She winced as I cleaned the cuts and bruises, but she didn't complain. Her resilience was one of the things I admired most about her.

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