Page 33 of Biker B!tch

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"Do it," he growled, his thrusts becoming even more frantic. "Come for me, Tank. Let go."

Even as I watched him, his words were my undoing. I cried out his name, watching him shake with his own orgasm.

With a satisfied grin on his face, Boiler pulled back a little. "Fuck, Tank. You're amazing."

"And make sure you don't forget it," I replied, still breathless.

As our relationship deepened, the passion between us only grew stronger. We were always touching, couldn't stay away from each other. It was a wild ride, and I was more than willing to hold on and see where it took us.

Then one night after another amazing session of lovemaking while Boiler’s hand traced gentle circles on my back, his touch soothing and intimate as always. He broke the silence. His voice had a vulnerability to it that I hadn’t heard before.

I looked up at him, curiosity and a touch of concern in my eyes. “What is it?”

He drew in a profound breath, his gaze locking onto mine. “I love you,” he said, his voice steady and sincere. “I’ve never felt this way about anyone before.”

His words hit me like a freight train, a rush of emotions crashing over me. My eyes widened, and for a split second, I felt the urge to pull away, to retreat behind the walls I’d built so carefully. But his eyes, filled with honesty and warmth, held me in place.

Then, something shifted inside me. A tear slipped down my cheek, and I found myself smiling, a feeling of warmth and safety enveloping me. “I love you too, Boiler,” I whispered, my voice trembling with emotion. “I didn’t think I could ever feel this way, but you’ve shown me that it’s possible.”

His expression softened, a smile spreading across his face. We shared a kiss, our connection even deeper than before. It wasn’t just a kiss of passion. It was a kiss that spoke of promises, of futures intertwined. In that moment, I knew that Boiler was the one for me. We had both been through so much, but together, we were stronger. We had stumbled upon something tangible, something worth battling for.

We remained there in silence for some time, tightly grasping each other, the burden of our confessions encasing us like a cozy cocoon. My thoughts drifted back to the journey that had brought us here—all the sex. Yes. But there was so much more, the way Boiler told me I was incredible. The way he respected me.

I had been through hell, surviving an abusive past that had left deep scars. I had sworn off love, convinced that it was just another road to pain. But Boiler had broken through my defenses with his unwavering support and fierce loyalty. He had shown me that love didn’t have to be a battlefield. It was pleasure. It could be a refuge.

Boiler’s hand continued to trace patterns on my back, his touch grounding me. “You okay?” he asked, his voice a low rumble.

I nodded, feeling a sense of peace wash over me. “Yeah. Better than okay.”

He kissed the top of my head, his lips lingering. “Good. Because I’m not going anywhere, Tank. I’m here for the long haul.”

His words wrapped around my heart, fortifying the walls we were building together, not to keep each other out, but to protect what we had created. “I’m here too, Boiler,” I said, my voice firm. “We’ll face whatever comes our way, together.”

As the night wore on, we talked about our dreams and fears, our hopes and insecurities. Boiler opened up about his past, sharing stories of his time in the military, the heartbreak of losing Max’s mom, and the challenges of being a single dad. His vulnerability was a gift, a testament to the trust we had built.

I shared my own story, the pain of my abusive childhood, the struggle to find my place in the world, and the journey that had led me to the Hell on Heelz MC. I told him about the nights I had spent alone, convinced that I was unworthy of love, and the fear that had gripped me when I realized I was falling for him.

Boiler listened with a quiet intensity, his eyes never leaving mine. He held me close, his presence a comforting anchor in the storm of my emotions. “You’re stronger than you know, Tank,” he said, his voice filled with admiration. “You’ve been through so much, but you’ve come out the other side even stronger. And I’m damn lucky to have you by my side.”

His words melted the last of my reservations. “We’re both lucky,” I replied, my voice filled with conviction. “We’ve found something real, something worth fighting for.”

We spent the rest of the night wrapped in each other’s arms, our connection deepening with every whispered word and tender touch. It was a night of revelations, of breaking down walls and building new foundations. In Boiler, I had found not just a lover, but a partner, a confidant, and a friend.

As dawn broke, I felt hopeful for our future.

Falling asleep in his arms, I knew our journey had just begun. Love, passion, and a future we could build together on this journey.

Chapter 19


Tank stood in front of the mirror, adjusting her dress. It was tight, black, and hugged every curve of her body. My jaw tightened as I watched her apply her lipstick, the sight of her getting ready to go out making my blood boil. She looked incredible, too incredible, and it pissed me off.

“You sure you need to go out tonight?” I asked, trying to keep my tone casual, though I could feel the anger bubbling beneath the surface.

She glanced at me through the mirror, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief. “Yeah, Boiler. I do. It’s just a night out with the girls. We need this.”

I knew what that meant. The Hell on Heelz didn’t just go out for drinks and dancing. They had a reputation for hustling men, taking them for all they were worth. The thought of Tank, my Tank, using her body and her charm to rob some idiot blind made my stomach turn.

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