Page 23 of Biker B!tch

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"Hey," I replied, feeling all warm inside. “Max, this is Tank.”

“Hi, Tank!” Max said, his eyes wide with excitement.

She crouched down to his level, her tough exterior softening. “Hey there, Max. Ready to have some fun?”

The three of us spent the day exploring the carnival, taking a ride on the Ferris wheel, trying out various games, and devouring an excessive amount of cotton candy as sweet stuff was something Tank and Max had in common.

Tank’s walls slowly started to come down as she laughed and played with Max. It was a side of her I hadn’t seen before, and it made me fall for her even more.

We stopped at a booth where Max was trying to win a stuffed animal. Tank leaned over, showing him how to aim better. Her patience and kindness with him touched me deeply.

“Good job, Max!” she cheered when he finally won the prize.

Max beamed up at her, clutching his new toy. “Thanks, Tank!”

As the day wore on, we found a quiet spot under a tree and settled down with some ice cream. Max was busy making a mess, and Tank and I had a moment to ourselves.

“You’re good with him,” I said, watching her with admiration.

She shrugged, a small smile playing on her lips. “Kids are easy. It’s the adults that are hard.”

I chuckled. “Ain’t that the truth.”

We sat in comfortable silence for a while, watching Max chase after a butterfly. Then, Tank turned to me, her expression more serious.

“Boiler, there’s something I need to tell you,” she began, her voice hesitant.

I looked at her, my heart pounding. “What is it?”

She took a deep breath, her eyes distant. “I didn’t have a great childhood. My dad and brother… they were real shit. It’s why I’m so tough now. I had to be, to survive.”

I could hear the pain in her voice, and it made me want to protect her even more. “I’m sorry, Tank. You didn’t deserve that.”

She squeezed my hand, her grip strong. “What about you, Boiler? What’s your story?”

I hesitated, but then decided to open up. “Max’s mom, Sarah, she left us when he was just a baby. She couldn’t handle the life we had. I came back from a tour overseas, and she was gone. It broke my heart, but I had to be strong for Max.”

Tank’s eyes softened, her hand still holding mine. “You’ve done a great job with him, Boiler. He’s a good kid.”

“Thanks,” I said, feeling a lump in my throat. “It hasn’t been easy, but he’s worth it.”

We sat there for a while longer, sharing our stories and our pain. It felt good to open up, to let someone in. And it felt even better knowing that someone was Tank.

The nights after our day at the carnival were a fucking blur of raw passion and intensity. Tank and I couldn't keep our hands off each other. We spent every moment together, our connection growing deeper with each passing day. We were like two feral animals, tearing into each other with a hunger that never seemed to be satisfied.

One night, we found ourselves alone at the Roost. The club was deserted, the silence heavy with possibilities. I grabbed Tank and pulled her close, my hands already roaming over her beautiful breasts, feeling the heat and the softness of her curves.

“Boiler,” she whispered in my ear, her voice thick with desire, making my cock throb in response.

“I want you, Tank,” I growled against her neck, my lips trailing down to her collarbone, tasting her skin.

She moaned softly, her fingers tangling in my hair, tugging just enough to drive me wild. “Then take me,” she commanded, and fuck if I wasn’t going to obey.

We didn’t make it to a bedroom. Hell, we didn’t even make it far from where we started. I lifted her onto one of the pool tables, our clothes discarded in a frenzy of need. Her shirt went first, my hands working quickly to unbutton and toss it aside, revealing her lace bra. I ripped that off too, exposing her perfect tits, nipples hard and begging for my mouth.

Taking my time, I nibbled and licked every inch of those titties. Then I kissed her deeply, our tongues clashing in a battle for dominance, my hands exploring every part of her I could reach. She responded with equal fervor, her body arching against mine, nails digging into my back through my shirt. I yanked off her jeans, then mine, not giving a shit where they landed.

“Fuck, you’re beautiful,” I muttered, running my hands up her thighs, spreading them wide so I could see all of her. Well, my eyes were glued to her slick, hairless pussy, all pink and ready for me.

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