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“Actually, she contacted me,” he says with a smirk. My face drops to a hardened scowl.

“Enough. You know I didn’t call you exactly, Bryan. The company was contracted to fix the electrical work and then collect the payment from the town. You are now their lead engineer, so that means you’re their contact, so here you go.”

The elevator dings, and then storming in is my brother-in-law, Axel. “She’s in my office.”

“She’s going to give me a stroke.” He goes into my office, and before I turn back to Bryan, Axel comes out cradling Honey. “You’re supposed to be resting, not roaming around. You want to see your family; just say something.” He looks at me and then Taylor. “Can you all come to dinner tonight?”

“Love, does that sound good?”

“Yes, I could eat,” Taylor rubs her belly.

“Well, if I’m not needed anymore, I’ll be out of your hair. It was good seeing you again, Taylor. It’s good to annoy you, Mayor Payne. Treat her well because there will always be a man willing to take your place.” His warning is noted, but it’s fine because I plan to treat her like my whole world because that’s what she is.

As soon as the day ended, I stared at my wife and asked, “May I see you in my office, Mrs. Payne?”

She sashays into my office with a little more sass than usual, looking sexy and tempting, but I refuse to let her off that easy. “Close and lock the door.” She smirks but doesn’t hesitate to do what I say.

“Mayor Payne, is there something you need?”

“Yes, I need to remind you of your title. Come here, lose your panties, and sit on my desk.” With a sultry gaze, she pouts and then moves to my desk, hopping up as if she isn’t seven months pregnant. She parts her thighs, revealing the lack of panties. “You’ve been pantyless while talking to that asshole?”

“No, I took them off after he left, silly.” She slaps my chest.

“Good because I’d have to hunt him down like a covert mission and end his life like I’ve dreamed of for years,” I promise. The man has always been obsessed with my wife, and I hate it.

“No need for all that when all I see is you,” she whispers, kissing my chin and nipping on my jaw. That little trick gets me every time, and I lose control; I have her on her back, thighs up in the air, over my shoulders with my cock out of my pants, pulsing against her hot mound, demanding entry.

“You’re tempting me to fuck you hard, Taylor.”

“Please, Brooks. Take me, show me who I belong to.” I edge her for a few seconds, teasing her hole until both of us are panting with anticipation. Slowly, I push my way into her heat, penetrating her wetness until I’m seated deep in her.

“Taylor, Taylor, Taylor,” I moan, feeling her walls gripping me as she fights me, pulling out. The sweat drips down our bodies as we move together, thrusting and grinding. Then her thighs flex around my hips, and her pussy clenches, choking my cock. I flood her womb, coating it in my load as if I could breed her again, which keeps my dick hard as rocks. I can’t help myself. The thought of marking her as mine makes me hard all over again.

“Let’s get dressed because when we get home, I’m going to take you all over again, Mrs. Payne,” I promise, and it’s a promise I keep.


“Mr. Payne, how does it feel to retire?” We’re waiting inside a closed-off tent just beside the stage in the middle of May, right before the transition begins. My stomach is a ball of nerves, so I’m sure his nerves are as well. Still, he appears so calm that it seems like nothing could bother him today.

“Retire,” he repeats the words, feeling them out. “It’s crazy. It’s been sixteen years that I’ve served as mayor of Sweet Temptation Bay. It almost feels like nothing’s changed.” He’s right because the town has kept its old-world charm, and my husband has too.

His youth might be fading, but you wouldn’t really be able to see from his appearance except for the light wrinkles on the edges of his eyes or the sexy gray streaks at his temples that bleed through his nearly black hair that’s slightly longer than when we met. His muscles still get their daily workout, including our private workout, which we’ve devoted more time to lately.

“I know. You did a great job.”

“Of course, you think so. You served as my lovely assistant all these years. I couldn’t have asked for a more talented partner and friend, but it’s time. Our kids need their parents around, and I want to spend time with you without the headache of tending to the people for sixteen hours a day.”

“It wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“No, but that’s because you were there to take care of all the problems and make me look like a star of a mayor.” He has made me the woman I am today, giving me the chance to grow that I would have never had under my father’s thumb.

I think about my father sometimes, but it’s rare. He earned his fate. I can’t believe how naïve I’d been to his behaviors until he was arrested and sentenced to life in prison for the attempted murder of a prostitute about ten years ago. Several women came forward with their claims of their own. Many couldn’t be tried because of the age of the crimes, but they were recorded.

“Are you ready for your press conference?”

“As I’ll ever be.”

Axel and Honey watch over the two kids in the audience, even though they’re teenagers, while Brooks stands beside me. His replacement is a local man who loves this town. He has earned his position working for the city for years. I’m glad that he is taking over because the town needs someone with the same love we have had for it.

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