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“What do you want to make, Verónica?”

She held up a metal figure. “What’s this?”

“It’s a dolphin.”

“It’s pretty.”

“Would you like to make a chain for it?”

Verónica held the dolphin between her fingers and looked at it from every angle and frowned. “Can I keep it?”

Gabi smiled. “Yes. You can keep everything in here and what you don’t use today, maybe you can use another day.”

Verónica opened her mouth and didn’t close it. She scrambled to her feet and went running in the direction Aisha had gone. She was just about to disappear out of sight when Aisha appeared with a tray of cups and a jug of juice.

“Hey, Verónica.” Aisha lifted the tray as Verónica threw herself at Aisha’s legs and hugged her tightly.

“Thank you, Aisha. Thank you.” She ran back to where the bits lay across the dirt and sat down. “How do I make a chain?” she asked Gabi.

“Hm. Let’s see. What kind of chain would you like? We can do something silver, or there’s leather, or there’s cord. We could make a braid with three colours. What do you think?”

“A braid,” both girls said.

Aisha set the tray down next to the girls and poured drinks. The boys came running and formed a circle around the rucksack. They gulped down their juice and watched Gabi braid the chord and fix a clasp by squeezing the metal firmly around the braid.

“Can I try that?” the taller of the three boys said.

Gabi handed over the tool and clasps and watched as all three boys started to weave a braid with leather strands. The boy struggled to fit the clasp. He was all fingers and thumbs and not enough strength to get the pliers to work.

“It’s a bit tough and fiddly. Have another go.” Gabi fed the boys more materials and sat back and watched them work. This was easier than she’d imagined, and it was wonderful to watch their eyes light up and big smiles fill their faces at the smallest success.

The taller boy stood and went to Aisha. He held out a tri-coloured bracelet creation. “This is for you,” he said.

Aisha ruffled his hair and tugged him to her. She kissed his cheek and he blushed. Gabi blushed too.

“Why don’t you give it to your mama?” Aisha said.

He looked at Gabi. “Can I make another one for Mama?”

“These are all yours to play with. Make lots and give them to your friends. If you need help, just ask.”

He sat and rummaged through the bits then set to work. All the children were deeply engrossed. Aisha indicated for Gabi to follow her. She picked up the cups and followed her to the side of the building.

Aisha led her through a door into an area that had a small sink and running water. Gabi had barely stepped inside when Aisha grabbed her and tugged her out of view.

Gabi knew what desire looked like, but she didn’t get any time to savour it before Aisha’s mouth closed over hers. She held Aisha’s head, pulling her closer, kissing her harder, and feeling the effect of the kiss in the throbbing in her core.

Gabi jumped as the door moved, and she pushed Aisha away from her. She wiped her mouth and turned away from the door, her heart racing.

“Gabi, I made this for you.”

She turned and smiled at Marta. Aisha was smiling at her too, looking like nothing in the world had just happened. Gabi bent down to Marta, who opened her tiny hand to reveal a wooden heart on a black leather thread. “That’s beautiful.”

“Raffa did the pressing thing. It’s too hard for me.” She indicated with her fingers and thumb and smiled.

Gabi lifted her chin and ruffled her hair. “You did an amazing job. Are you going to do some more?”

Marta shook her head. “I don’t have anyone else to make them for.”

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