Page 53 of Billionaire Grump

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“Don’t even think about not showing up. I’ll have a Jack Daniels on ice waiting for you,” Blake grins, like he knows how tempted I am. “Goodnight, Ivy.”

After everyone starts making their way from the tables, I offer Ivy my arm and we head toward our suite. “Our room is 212.”

“My lucky number,” Ivy says.

“Is it?”

“Yeah. It’s my birthday. February 12th.”

I don’t know why this makes me so fucking happy.

We get to the door and I open it. Inside, the suite is expansive with a view that opens out over the water. Blake and Leah know I have expensive taste. “Are you going to be okay?” I ask her.

“I’ll be fine. I’m going to take a long, hot shower then fall into a blissful sleep.”

“I’ll try not to wake you.”

Ivy blinks at me, and there’s an edge of nervousness to her. I’ve just reminded her that we’re sleeping in the same room. In the same bed.

We stand there like that for a few seconds and I can’t help myself. I lean in, placing my palm flat on the door behind her, trapping her with my body. Her eyes round and her lips part. I need it. I brush my lips against hers, drowning in the sensation of her. Dipping my tongue into her mouth, I slide deeper. Holy fuck, she tastes good.

She pulls back, breathless, putting her hand on my chest. I feel another crazy surge of this new feeling—happiness—that we’re this familiar with each other that she does this without hesitation. “No one’s even watching us, Maddox. I’ll see you later. I won’t wait up.”

“Goodnight, Jones.”

She shakes her head a little, laughing lightly. Then she closes the door in my face.

You fucking owe me one, Blake. Then again, if it wasn’t for Blake and Leah’s wedding, I probably never would have met Ivy.

I’m walking toward the bar when someone approaches me. Even in the dark, Margot is easy to recognize. “Oh, good, I was hoping I’d run into you without your…entourage.”

This is the thing about Margot. Every damn word she says is bitchy. “You mean my date?”

“Isn’t she a little young for you?”

I’m not interested in having this conversation. “Is there something you need, Margot?”

“I was hoping we could talk, Alexander.”

“About what?”

“Could we meet for a drink this week?”

“I told you. I’m busy this week. And I don’t want to meet for a drink.”

“I thought maybe we could talk about…giving us another chance. Please, Alexander. Please don’t give up on us so easily.”

“I’ve already given up on us. A long time ago. I gave up on us because I was miserable the entire time we were together. This is the problem with you, Margot. Our ‘relationship,’ if that’s what you could even call it, is over. Done. Finished. We’ve moved on. I’ve moved on. Obviously. I’ve explained this to you a dozen fucking times and you refuse to listen.”

She even summons tears. “It’s just that…we were so perfect together. Everything was a match.”

Holy fuck, the woman is relentless. “We were terrible together, Margot. Absolutely terrible. Just deal with the fact that I’m with someone else now.”

She blows her nose. “Honestly, I get it. She’s young—and I mean young—and cute, in a slightly rough-edged kind of a way, if you’re into that kind of thing. And she’s sort of famous, if that’s to be believed. But it’s hardly even appropriate, Alexander. What is she, like, ten years younger than you?”

“Who gives a fuck.”

“She basically sells pictures of herself half-dressed for money. Is that really the kind of person you see yourself ending up with? I heard one woman describing her as an ‘Instagram whore’—I mean, I didn’t say it, but it’s kind of true.”

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