Page 20 of Charming Savage

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"God, yes," I moaned around him, the vibrations of my garbled words against his cock eliciting a growl from his throat.

"Close, Ella. I’m so fucking close," he rasped, his pace frantic.

And then he was there, spilling into me with a shudder that rocked us both. I swallowed around him, clinging to the last of my defiance even as I relished the power I wielded in this moment of his release.

"Mine," he panted, his voice hoarse, as he slowly withdrew from my mouth. There was a tenderness in his touch as he caressed my cheek.

The aftermath was a silent storm, raging in the space between ragged breaths. Chris loomed over me, his presence an eclipse that cast everything else into shadow. Sweat glistened on his tattooed arms, the ink telling tales of violence and power.

"Fuck," he breathed out, the word rough-edged, raw – a confession without a sin. He pulled back, removing the hook with a care that belied the brutality of moments before. The absence left me hollow, craving.

"Look at you," he said, voice stripped to a whisper, his fingers tracing the red marks that bloomed across my flesh, branding me as much as any of his tattoos branded him. "So fucking beautiful like this."

Heat flushed across my chest, not from shame but something fiercer, wilder. I reached for him, my touch hesitant but determined, mapping the cut of his jaw, the swell of his bicep. "Chris, can you..."

His lips quirked, a ghost of a smile that spoke volumes more than words could. "Yeah, Ella?"

"Give me... give me all of you." My voice faltered, daring to peel back the layers of the man who had both captured and captivated me.

"Shit." He exhaled. "You don't know what you're asking for."

“Yes, I do.”

He growled and lowered his head. His mouth found mine, a kiss that seared and soothed in equal measure. A sharp sting at my entrance as his cock slid inside me. I relished in the stretch and burn as he moved. His body pressed mine into the mattress, the give and take of flesh a language we were only beginning to master. Moving faster and harder, I gasped. The burn would soon become addicting, I could tell.

He let out a line of expletives, his teeth grazing my skin. "What the hell are you doing to me?"

"Same thing you're doing to me," I gasped, nails digging into his back, urging him closer, deeper.

"Fuck yeah," he hissed, rhythm unrelenting, each thrust a promise, a claim.

"Chris," I moaned, the world dissolving into sensation, into him.

"Say it again," he demanded, voice guttural.


And then we were falling. Falling so fast, my head spun as my pussy clenched, drawing his cum into me.

In the silence that followed, we lay entangled, the rise and fall of his chest against my back a new kind of heartbeat. His hand splayed possessively over my stomach.

I allowed myself to drift in the tide of emotions that threatened to consume me. I allowed myself to pretend that we were a normal couple, just experimenting with new toys.

It was a dangerous current, this bond between us. Filled with the violence of his world and the shadows of our pasts. Yet, here in the after, with his arms holding me, I couldn't deny the rise of something like hope flickering its wake.

Eleven: Chris

Leaning against the cool metal of the door, I felt the weight of her presence behind it like a goddamn sledgehammer to my chest. Desire, thick and heavy, coiled in my gut, knotting with duty until I couldn't tell one from the other.

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath, fists clenched at my sides. The hallway was dim, the only bright light spilling from under her door. Today was the day shit got real.

Priscilla's words clawed through my thoughts, a reminder of the devil's bargain I'd struck. You gotta push her, Chris. Gustov's clock is ticking, and you're playing house with the merchandise.

"Harder," she had demanded, gripping my arm tightly. "Break her or Gustov will break us all."

"Understood," I’d responded, numbness seeping into my core.

Now, in the dim light of the dungeon, Ella waited for me. I pushed open the door and walked in. The air between us crackled with something fierce, something dark and twisted. I could taste it on my tongue.

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