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“So is this how you are all the time? Defensive about everything?”

“Don’t act like you know me.”

“Where is the calm woman who ate some pizza with me the other night? What’s got you so worried? You don’t think I have a past too?”

“Whatever. To answer your question the right way… I like this place better. They have a great salmon dish. Served over wild rice with this sauce on top. It’s my favorite meal ever.”

“I can’t wait to try it,” I say. “Just so you know, what you’re doing for your son is amazing. You love him. You care for him. You’re trying to make sure he has the chance to see his father. It’s not an easy life to live. You probably have a million worries and questions in your head and nobody to really talk to about it.”

I start to step back and Piper grabs at my shirt.

“How? Why?”


“What you just said…”

“Piper, everyone has a past,” I say. “My mother was a single mom. I watched how hard she worked to take care of me. Without her I wouldn’t be where I am today.”

Piper opens her hand and lets my shirt go.

She’s staring at me a little different now.

I guess this is her version of a love language.

Pain for pain?

“Should we order some of that salmon?” I ask.

“It’s really dumb and cliché to order the same food.”

“You suggested the salmon.”

“For myself. You can get a burger.”

Piper walks right by me.

She can flip a switch like nobody I ever met in my life.

Damn, she’s beautiful too.

A deep soul with wounds that haven’t shut yet.

Not that I’m the guy who’s going to attempt to close those wounds.

I’m just here to order some salmon…

… or a burger.

The burger tastes great.

I enjoy one more beer and then opt for water.

Small town for sure, but small towns have cops. And pulling over a baseball player with some issues on his plate already and slapping him with a DUI… that would mess up things even more.

“How good of a swimmer were you?” I ask.

“Were? Still am.”

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