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“Best kind of love to have,” PJ says. “I’ll drink to her memory.”

He finishes up his beer and walks off the deck.

“PJ, that’s enough,” I call out.

“Tony will handle it!” PJ says.

I take a step and Trey grabs my left shoulder.

“Let him go,” Trey says. “You know he’s going to do what he wants no matter what you say.”

PJ balances his empty beer bottle on an old stump. He walks back to the steps of the deck and whistles to Ranger.

“Beer me and a ball!” PJ roars like it’s some battle cry.

Ranger nods to me.

I open the cooler and get two bottles of beer. There’s a bucket of balls next to the cooler.

Believe me when I say it, baseball is in our blood. PJ always has a bucket of balls with him.

I toss both the beer and the ball. PJ catches both.

He twists off the cap to the bottle and foamy beer leaks out the top but he drinks with ease and no care.

He then puts the bottle down on the third step to the deck and he rubs the baseball in his hands.

“Three-two is the count!” PJ calls out. “Bottom of the ninth. The last chance. The last pitch.”

PJ winds up and throws the baseball as though he’s in a game.

A second later the beer bottle balancing on the tree stump shatters like it’s been shot with a bullet.

PJ picks up his fresh beer and walks up the deck. “How many have I had and I can still hit the mark?”

“You’re a legend, PJ,” Trey says.

“You keep up this lifestyle and you’re not going to make it much farther in life,” Ranger warns.

“The healthy guy over here,” PJ says to me. “Just wait until he cuts the giant mushrooms in half and grills them and tries to convince you it’s a meal.”

“Nah, I’m done with that,” Ranger says. “I need meat.”

Before anyone can make a joke from the obvious low-hanging fruit Ranger just offered up, I think I hear the doorbell ringing.

I go inside the house and as I walk through the kitchen I definitely hear the doorbell.

My mind goes back to the text and email again, wondering if the person blackmailing me has shown up for sure now.

Now that would be a hell of a scene.

Me beating the hell out of someone with Trey, Ranger, and PJ here.

They’d jump right in without asking a question either.

I’m getting sick of the sound of the doorbell too.

I rip open the door as fast as I did when the guys had shown up.

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