Page 217 of Cheater

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Hey Jeffy. Sorry I’ve been out of touch. I just wanted to send my love and tell you I appreciate you. Hope everything is good.

Jeff writes back right away.

Hey Chlo. I’m now employed by the Steele family. They just recruited* me into their legal team.

Recruited? With an asterisk?

I pick up the phone and call him.

He answers right away.

“Hello, beauty,” he greets.

“Recruited you? As in… asterisk?”

“Technically, yes. I start in two weeks. I’m working out my notice here.”

“Oh Jeffy. I’m so sor-”

“Hey. Stop. I stuck my nose in and got too close to a few things. I took that chance, because I love you like a sister. Like a sister!” he exclaims, loudly, then his tone returns to normal. “There, I said that loudly in case your spouse happens to hear this. I don’t want there to be any mistaking my love for you. Absolutely platonic and sisterly only.”

I drop my forehead to the desk.

“I’m good, Chlo. Don’t sweat it. They’re paying me a fucking fortune. It’s all good.”

“But is it… asterisky?”

“Not expecting it’ll be any riskier than the work I do now. But it pays better and one of my dearest friends has the last name Steele now, so I know you’ll look after me.”

“Of course I will. I mean, if I have any control whatsoever, which I’m not sure if I do, but I would absolutely walk across hot coals barefoot for you; you know it.”

“I do know it. And I also suspect you have more control than you realize. Ponder that, will you? Anyway, gotta get into a meeting but I’m here for you. I love you. Like a sister! And by the by… Coraline and I are an item.”

I’m frozen for a beat before I squeal.

Jeffy chuckles.

And then I ask, “Exclusive?”

“I’m not sure I’m an exclusive kind of guy. We’ll see where it goes.”

“Be good to her.”

“She’s quite possessive,” he says. “But I dig it. I might not have a choice but to go exclusive if I wanna keep my balls. And I do like my balls. Anyway. Talk later. Bye, Chlo.”

“Oh shoot. Wait. Cor doesn’t know from Alannah the truth about Derek but if you lie to her too, that’d be a dealbreaker for her. So um…”

“I’ve already given her the truth. She won’t breathe a word to a soul. Don’t let the Steeles force-recruit her to work for them or she’ll have my balls. And once again, I’d like to keep them. Please tell your husband Coraline can be trusted. I’ll tell him the same.”

“Good, because he and I aren’t on the best terms.”

“Well, I hope that changes because it doesn’t sound like he’s willing to walk away,” Jeff says. “But like I said, ponder your power, baby girl. You have more than you realize here. Okay?”

“Hm,” is my reply.

“Bye for now, lovey. Gotta dash.”

“Bye Jeffy. And I love you too.”

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