Page 202 of Cheater

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“Derek is who he is mostly due to trauma response,” she states, cutting me off, letting me see just how little respect she has for boundaries. “He was kidnapped by someone he trusted. He saw our chauffeur murdered and was taken for ransom. When the time ran out and the kidnapper was getting twitchy, Derek got the kidnapper’s gun and shot him in the head. Just like he’d seen the kidnapper do to our chauffeur. He was eleven, Chloe.”

My throat goes dry. She’s not done talking.

“The child psychologist was already treating him for some severe behavioral issues. He was already a problem child. And I think part of that was because our mom attempted suicide and Derek found her. He tried to help her and was covered in her blood so our Thad blamed Derek for it. He kept saying Derek did something to Mom. But that wasn’t true. Dad sat Thad down and told him Derek had nothing to do with Mom being hurt and going away for a while to get better, but Thad got even more nasty and hard on Derek. Thad was… a lot. And he was a couple of years older than Derek, a lot bigger at that point. When Derek was about ten, he finally snapped and put Thad in the hospital with broken teeth, a concussion, broken ribs. It was extreme. That’s when Derek went into counseling with the child psychologist.”

“Oh boy,” I mutter.

“On two more different occasions that I know of in their teens, Derek came very close to killing Thad. Their relationship was beyond contentious. Thad was in therapy most of his life. Lots of different therapists. It didn’t do anything for him. I think Derek equates therapy with negativity because it didn’t help Thad and certainly didn’t help him.”

“I guess I can see why he’d draw that conclusion,” I say.

“He’s always been distant. Only comes around the family when our father or mother pretty much mandates it. He never wants to let Mom down, though his relationship with Dad has always been strained. Anyway, I wanted to sort of explain some of Derek’s history because I had a feeling you didn’t know and thought it might help you understand him.”

“Thank you for taking the time to tell me, but I don’t think it’ll help in any way. Derek reeled me in and then pulled the rug out from under me. My fiancé lost use of his legs and we weren’t intimate. Adam pushed me to seek that intimacy elsewhere. I didn’t want to do it. Derek overheard me talking about it with Alannah and went on a quest to get me to use my hall pass on him. You kind of know the rest, so… our entire relationship is based on manipulation and blackmail. It’s not a real relationship and I don’t think it can be.”

She grabs my hand and squeezes it. “I know you didn’t sign up for this, but I think you’re so, so good for him. He’s the most human I’ve ever seen him. He’s… he’s seen something in you that has made him reach for some sort of normal life, a normal relationship. Marriage, Chloe! I didn’t think it would ever happen. He wants you. He could be willing to work on his issues in order to have that. Thad’s also gone now and maybe that has something to do with Derek wanting to find normalcy in his life. To move forward in a healthier way.”

“Or he could just spiral further and further away from reality, Grace. And he’s threatened people I love. He’s also done some frankly unforgivable things.”

“He courted you in a fucked up way, I don’t deny that. But you could help him.”

“He's hurt people I care about. He’s… he’s done some heinous things to me. I know you care about your brother’s happiness but so much has happened. I don’t know what sort of miracle it would take for me to be able to wipe the slate clean, Grace, but I can’t fathom it.”

“So what’s the alternative, Chloe? Living your life being miserable?”

“Finding a way to get my life back. I’m thirty years old. What am I going to do? Just start getting drunk at breakfast in order to cope and decide I’m done fighting for what I want in life?”

She gives me a sad smile. “I hope not. I like you. I hope you and Derek find a way forward. Somehow.”

I sigh. “Things are even worse now than they were just a few days ago. I tried to fight back and crossed the line in his books, even though he has respected zero lines in my books, and now he’s not even speaking to me. I don’t know where he and I can possibly go from here. He might not even bring me with him tomorrow.”

“He will. I told him last night I’d be over today to bring you some dresses. He said he wouldn’t be here, but that I should come over.”

I shrug. “Maybe he’s letting you bring them so he can avoid the conversation with you but has no intention of me coming tomorrow.”

“That’s something he would do, yes. But my parents would lose their shit if he showed without you, and he knows that. They’re still in New York, but Mom was messaging me this morning about some party details she wants me to check on and said herself that everyone, even Sabrina, would attend. With the press about you, the media will expect you to be there. The PR team wouldn’t want speculation about why you’re not there. It’d make you look weak.”

I shrug, unsure of what else I can say.

“So, should we have a look at the dresses then? All Steele women are dressing in ruby red. All Steele men will have ruby swatches and ties or probably shoelaces in Ash’s case. All guests have been instructed not to wear anything red since that’s the family theme.”

“Sounds like your mom is very particular.”

“You have no idea. Yet. You’re about to, though.” She smiles. “It’ll be nice having another female family member who’s local. Nay stays away a lot. She and Ash have… issues and he’s here in Columbus these days, so she only shows when she has to.”

We go upstairs, each with an armful of red dresses for me to try on, and before getting to the master, Grace wanders in the other direction and looks into each room.

“What’s going on here?” she asks, poking her head into the last room at the end of the hall.

“Derek has slept in here the last two nights.”

The bed is unmade, there are now two bourbon bottles on the nightstand, one empty, one half-empty. And there’s laundry on the floor.

“But it’s a mess.”

I shrug.

“Derek never leaves a mess. He’s meticulous for a man. Meticulous in general.”

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