Page 179 of Cheater

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I abandon half my burger but finish my drink. The food is sitting in my gut like a rock.

I make the mistake of trying to distract myself by pulling out my phone. The number of notifications is staggering. Text messages. Social media tags. Missed calls. I start with the text messages, going back to first thing this morning.

Frank (work): Congratulations! Hope you have a long and happy marriage. Look forward to talking to you when you’re back.

I read this in a snarky tone, hearing Frank’s disapproving voice in my head. He’s been a good boss, very understanding considering all the drama in my life in the past seven months, but how could he not feel snarky about this. Just days ago I told him I hadn’t met with Derek and was going home with a migraine. Now Derek tells him that not only is he marrying me, but also he’s buying the company and that I’m Frank’s new boss? Maybe I’m wrong about the snarkiness. But if I were Frank I might be a little salty.

Alannah: Love you. Cya at city hall. I’m bringing something borrowed and BLUE.

I wonder if the blue in caps was a code that referred to Craig, a boy in blue.

Coraline: Girl?

Craig: We need to talk.

Maddie: What’s happening, chica? Methinks we need a ketchup!!!!!!

I almost smile. Maddie loves her puns.

Craig: Get ahold of me, no matter what time.

Paul: Hi Chloe. Sorry to do this by text but Gran passed at 8:40 tonight. Thought you’d want to know. I know things must be weird right now and I don’t expect you to come but in case you want to know, I’ll let you know the funeral details when it is arranged.

Adam’s brother Paul might not know about the wedding today yet. And I’m sure Adam won’t want me to come, considering that he didn’t want me at the hospital. Not to mention getting held by another gun-toting person today because of me.

I take a moment to think about their grandmother. Lovely lady. Loved desserts. Great cook. Enjoyed reading mysteries and watching true crime and court TV. So kind. Never had a bad word to say about anyone.

I decide against opening any social apps. I’m not remotely interested in seeing how the drama has continued to unfold in terms of comments and shares. I don’t want to know what people are saying about me, particularly because Jeannie is trying to control the narrative and make me the bad guy. I’m not a bad guy. I was just gullible enough to get reeled in by a hot guy not realizing the far-reaching impact a hall pass could have on my life.

Hall passes are supposed to be without consequences, aren’t they? Well, I want a refund.

The way it’s gone, though, even if I hadn’t gone home with Derek after the gym that night, this would’ve eventually happened. Because he was determined, wasn’t he?

I can’t answer anyone tonight. I’ll deal later.

“What’s wrong?” the actual bad guy asks, turning the radio down after Smokey is done singing.

“Where do I start?” I mutter.

“Start. Maybe I can help.”

“You’re the cause of all my problems, though.”

“Right,” he says. “But I’m also the solution to all your problems. You just don’t realize it yet.”

It takes me a minute to gather my thoughts. I take the hair tie out of my hair and fluff it out with a sigh. I catch sight of myself in the reflection of the windshield. I’m still wearing Grace’s diamond earrings. I’ll have to return those to her.

“Come on. Try,” Derek prompts.

“Adam’s grandmother is gone for starters.”

“That’s sad,” he says but he says it without real emotion and finishes the last bite of his burger. He crumples the paper and hands it to me. I drop it into the fast food bag beside my feet.

“That’s lip service, Derek.”

“I didn’t know the woman,” he replies. “What do you want me to say?”

He’s taking no responsibility for his part in it, either. He hasn’t said he had nothing to do with it, so clearly he’s admitting that he is responsible for Adam’s uncle’s death.

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