Page 162 of Cheater

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All I know is he’s definitely going to make sure we don’t stop Derek from legally binding Chloe to him.

I’m sorry, Chloe. I can’t save you today.

Our stretch limo pulls up to the city hall and Chloe’s eyes are on the van parked in the disabled spot. She knows Hallman is here. And she’s confused about it.

I’m sitting across from her, my back to the driver. I rap on the window and it opens.

“Park a minute,” I instruct. “I’ll give you the cue when I’m ready to move along to our next stop.”

“Yes, sir,” the driver replies, closes the privacy glass and the vehicle turns off.

She looks at me, assessing, and decides to ask her burning question. “Why is Adam here?”

Her voice drips with accusation, so she’s accurate in her assumption that he’s here because of me.

“Better question,” I say, “Why is Craig Jenkins here right now providing backup to Alannah Fisher?”

Guilt is written all over her face, but she doesn’t say anything right away.

I wait.

Finally, she moistens her lips and is about to speak, but I put my index finger to her lips.

“No. Don’t say anything that’ll dig that hole deeper. No games, little bunny. Before anything else happens, I want you to consider the fact that you’ve forced my hand here and you have choices right now.”

She blanches as I show her my phone screen with the photo that came through a couple minutes ago.

Her eyes widen as she takes in the image of Alannah, Hallman, and Hallman’s cop buddy Craig Jenkins sitting in a boardroom. In the foreground of the photo is the barrel of a gun, pointing at Alannah.

“Derek. What? Oh my God!” She grabs her throat.

“Because I can’t be everywhere at once, I’ve got someone listening to her calls. Flagging me when I need to know.”

She winces.

“I warned you, baby. Didn’t I?”

She doesn’t respond, her hand trembles at her throat as she stares out the window, pale.

“So, they’re in there in a room somewhere,” I say. “And they’re locked down for the moment by someone who isn’t afraid to get his hands dirty to stay in that coveted golden glow of my father’s approval. Now, here’s what’ll happen. You and I are taking a drive back to Columbus, to the Franklin County Courthouse. We’ll buy our marriage license and then we’ll get married there. That happens, Chloe. Today. There’s no monkey business. No running to a bathroom to hide, no plotting and planning to escape me. None of that. You and I are getting married in less than an hour. We have an appointment. You choose to cooperate? They get released. Hallman is in there because I instructed him to be here, knowing Alannah was cooking up a scheme.”

Her eyes are now on my face, and she looks afraid. I don’t like it, but it’s how it has to be for the moment.

“Columbus is where it was always gonna happen. This, here today? Showing you how serious I am. You want to go back to vague threats? Be my good girl. Misbehave and things won’t be vague. Okay?”

She swallows.

“Now…” I continue, “those three stay at the other side of that gun barrel until you’re legally Mrs. Derek Steele. If you don’t do your part, if you don’t say I do and kiss your new husband when we’re pronounced married, and if anyone at that courthouse as much as suspects you’re not there of your own free will, one of the three of those people in that room will be pierced by a bullet while the other two watch them bleed out.”

The pain on her face isn’t easy to watch. Her hand shakily covers her mouth.

“Don’t cry now and ruin that perfect makeup, baby,” I say, leaning over and dropping a kiss on her neck.

She pulls her lip tight and says nothing.

“So, I’m thinking the cop,” I say, stroking her cheek with the backs of my fingers. “He doesn’t mean as much to you as the other two. Not to mention he’s had a hard-on for my family for the past two or three years and it’ll tickle my brother Jonah’s funny bone to no end if that asshole is taken out. He was a major thorn in Jonah’s side over that whole missing girlfriend thing. Then they worked together to try to get Thad pinched and out of the way because they were convinced Thad offed Jonah’s girlfriend, which he didn’t, but it was a reasonable suspicion. Anyway, all had a fundamental impact on Jonah, who was on the straight and narrow path before all that crap, but that’s off topic so I won’t bother explaining. Jenkins and Jonah ended their cease fire and Jenkins has been a thorn in Jonah’s side, but Jonah is meticulous, unlike Thaddeus, so Jenkins must have had quite the stiffy thinking he’d get to haul me in today. Luckily the guy in there helping out is the one who’s supposed to be assigned to take Elijah down. He’s been a good ace to have in Eli’s back pocket. So, like I said… basking in my father’s golden glow. Anyway… if there is still any doubt left in your mind after the cop, there will be-”

“Stop,” she whispers.

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