Page 115 of Cheater

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“You didn’t eat much?” I state.

“I ate a slice of bacon and a bite of a croissant.”

“You didn’t eat my pancakes?”

“I ate one.”

I regard her. She says nothing; she looks irritated with me.

“That’s not enough food, Chloe.”

“I can’t eat when I’m stressed. I saved it for later.”

She reaches for the bacon pan, then dumps the grease into the trashcan. I take it from her. “Leave this for now.” I set it down and gather her into my arms. “I want you. Naked. Now.”

She shakes her head. “No way.”

“Why not?” I ask.

“If you need to ask, you’re even more delusional than I thought.” She throws the cloth into the sink and pushes my chest until I release her. She storms toward the bedrooms.

I follow.

“Leave me alone,” she clips over her shoulder. “I don’t want to deal with you right now.”

“Too bad,” I tell her. “I wanna deal with you right now.”

“Fuck off,” she mutters, but I catch her before she gets into the bathroom by wrapping one arm around her waist, pulling her back against my front. I lean down and suckle her earlobe before telling her, “I’m gonna fuck you, little bunny.”

I feel her body react. She doesn’t seize up in fear. Instead, whether she realizes it or not, she’s leaned into me.

“I should edge you for a little bit, though, punish you for being a bad girl with what you said.” I lick the ridge of her ear, then add, “Some things are better left between the two of us.”

“Let me go,” she orders, but her body is melting further into me.

“Though, then you were my good girl by telling your friend to go, so you should also get a reward as well as a spanking. How many times you want me to make you come?”

She doesn’t answer.

“Three? Four?” I turn her so she’s facing me.

Those blue eyes gaze into mine, searching. And I wonder for a moment what she’s searching for, but she makes it clear with what she says next.

“You’re even crazier than I thought if you think I want anything to do with you.”

“Yet you didn’t try to leave with your friend.” I kiss her neck, just below her ear.

“Because I’m afraid of you hurting her,” she explains.

“So, you’re gonna be my good girl then?” I ask, holding her jaw in my palm. I lean in and rub the tip of my nose along the side of hers.

She says nothing. She’s biting on her bottom lip. Her pupils are huge right now. She swallows with some difficulty.

“You wet, Chloe?” I ask.

She shakes her head sharply.

“I bet you are,” I tell her.

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